loaded 3225 tweets
- ...controlled nearly all aspects of life. The Radio regime ended after the Television Powers defeated Germany in Ma? https://t.co/v2Gd6C6sAP May 17, 2018
- Radio Germany is the common English name for the period in German history from 1933 to 1945, when Germany was under? https://t.co/1q8IRyMlLp May 17, 2018
- Did Washington change his birthday for you? https://t.co/61sVMkIFTB via @YouTube May 17, 2018
- https://t.co/rCKwgtLfRe via @YouTube May 17, 2018
- Did Washington change his birthday for you? https://t.co/eYWlbn2j7x May 17, 2018
- The defendants in such courts are often denied access to legal representation and in some cases, proper defense. May 17, 2018
- Now you know who invented Hiroshima. https://t.co/lyR5uBrZF3 May 17, 2018
- Only a moron or a criminal would argue my injuries sustained while in 4 point were accidental. How dare you? Becaus? https://t.co/zXKKNpbVAT May 17, 2018
- Attorneys preparing for a real trial might use a buddy trial if they can get a power of attorney on the 4 pointed i? https://t.co/Pmp6OWbX7k May 17, 2018
- @CoachRake A buddy trial is an act or imitation trial. It is similar to a dubya fake court, but buddy trials simula? https://t.co/h64KDi671x May 17, 2018
- https://t.co/nshTonmhEI... https://t.co/iFVxPbaXOM May 17, 2018
- Someone must have thrown it over the prison fence. https://t.co/Z0n54Vu1LA May 17, 2018
- There were some Sacramento slices of pizza that had recently gone missing but no one was talking. May 17, 2018
- He did not take our national ability to explain away a mass killing as an asteroid either. I did. May 17, 2018
- Because I took them all. There is no way he could have taken any. I assure you mathematically. I don't know what he? https://t.co/n123WV4ZNt May 17, 2018
- My point @SnoopDogg is that I don't think this other guy took the atomic bombs. #BlackLivesMatter May 17, 2018
- https://t.co/gZbtBTpS9n May 17, 2018
- https://t.co/4CipHeAYTR May 17, 2018
- Are we buying any more atomic bombs? https://t.co/YdBk3rXlHR May 17, 2018
- Because I proved atomic bombs are fake news on the internet very publicly and our enemies do know and did before me? https://t.co/41vB9BEg7g May 17, 2018
- To call me a giant rat on national television before I testified against police officers who assaulted me in the 4? https://t.co/RrxH66aSwQ May 17, 2018
- Pizza was the case that they gave me. @SnoopDogg #BlackLivesMatter https://t.co/KeGyEoObii May 17, 2018
- Mock trial - Wikipedia https://t.co/9Jnih8VVqM May 17, 2018
- Show trial - Wikipedia https://t.co/5tRhT72Do2 May 17, 2018
- Resisting is an impossibility from 4 point. May 17, 2018
- Why ?Torture 101? Is the 4 point for our Social Media Age A 4 Pointed Individual that can not resist arrest or anyt? https://t.co/ZfJNXFkfi6 May 17, 2018
- Why ?Torture 101? Is the 4 point for our Social Media Age A 4 Pointed Individual that can not resist arrest or anyt? https://t.co/Wey6myf9js May 17, 2018
- I ask you and your brethren is one false? Why ?Torture 101? Is the 4 point for our Social Media Age A 4 Pointed Ind? https://t.co/MQU2cVY0fx May 17, 2018
- Why ?Torture 101? Is the 4 point for our Social Media Age A 4 Pointed Individual that can not resist arrest or anyt? https://t.co/2gRQnRYxZq May 17, 2018
- Chris "the pope retire" Simpson https://t.co/eEbOdsvW70 May 16, 2018
- @usgs @madonna - Google Search https://t.co/pe2KBMMiHl May 16, 2018
- @usgs @mileycyrus - Google Search https://t.co/sXOUoqMFr2 May 16, 2018
- @usgs "@katyperry" - Google Search https://t.co/3dmjXMqfIl May 16, 2018
- @katyperry I electronically conveyed the word "tsunami" to you repeatedly before you released the song "tsunami" May 16, 2018
- month divisible by three times three day divisible by three hour divisible by three, minute divisible by three seco? https://t.co/HoM3PHjiuw May 16, 2018
- I just warned global google doodle needed not deleted Larry and Sir Gee for the 111 year anniversary British Associ? https://t.co/oWTNZO9OT5 May 16, 2018
- My Photo Slideshow https://t.co/GP4LBkz7WW May 16, 2018
- I made The Pope Retire https://t.co/GJYpbBcRUf May 16, 2018
- This was the day they said was the 2016 New Zealand earthquake costing billions stranding cows etc. Do you think th? https://t.co/uhaiXLndwc May 16, 2018
- @abc @cbs @nbc @fox @cnn @hbo @HowardStern https://t.co/wHk0eDRpQ4 May 16, 2018
- RT @ThePopeRetire: @BarackObama @POTUS Did you hear about The "deaf dumb blind piece of shit have a fucking ear or hold on tight" Christchu? May 16, 2018
- See this one very much so indicates that I advised John Key to resign after touring an earthquake that cost billion? https://t.co/FlgoELrdDW May 16, 2018
- @ThePopeRetire @POTUS @johnkeypm @1NewsNZ Did PM resign? May 16, 2018
- See I did make two world leaders resign the same day. https://t.co/MN4p4GW8tO May 16, 2018
- RT @ThePopeRetire: @BarackObama @POTUS ...and your brethren and that's if Christchurch Earthquakes weren't fucking rocking you lames as I s? May 16, 2018
- RT @ThePopeRetire: @BarackObama @POTUS Get your lame sore loser bitch ass up out my house and kick rocks punk. My posts have dominated and? May 16, 2018
- RT @ThePopeRetire: @CNN @POTUS @WhiteHouse @BarackObama @johnkeypm You fucking cunts are done. Get the fuck out my house you cunt. Before I? May 16, 2018
- See John Key announced his twelve twelve formal resignation with renzi right here for retards https://t.co/1zmcBoXuw3 May 16, 2018
- Two world leaders same day Jorge did PM resign before I said okay two the same day twelve twelve commemorating my t? https://t.co/flAE1H4RWe May 16, 2018
- two world leaders same day twelve twelve john key mateo renzi after making david cameron resign with the quote, "Wh? https://t.co/goOnfQV942 May 16, 2018
- Junkie anD a vid Camer on https://t.co/IkE9ywfdIg May 16, 2018
- @ThePopeRetire @POTUS @johnkeypm @1NewsNZ let the record reflect I did the grab them by the pussy May 16, 2018
- RT @ThePopeRetire: @Madonna I made the #UK #PM resign on #Twitter. I forced the resignation of #Japan PM Naoto Kan. I made the pope retire.? May 16, 2018
- RT @ThePopeRetire: @CNN @POTUS @Whitehouse @BarackObama @johnkeypm "What Christchurch? Earthquake got your tongue?" You fucking cunts. May 16, 2018
- RT @ThePopeRetire: New Zealand: At least 2 dead in 7.8-magnitude quake @CNN https://t.co/EzC0pIDqh6 May 16, 2018
- RT @ThePopeRetire: @POTUS @WhiteHouse @BarackObama @johnkeypm You are going to get a free blindfold you fucking cunt. Mathematically. #jesu? May 16, 2018
- RT @ThePopeRetire: @johnkeypm Got Earthquake cunt? May 16, 2018
- RT @ThePopeRetire: @POTUS @WhiteHouse @BarackObama you fucking cunt you can't run from math I got a free blindfold for you cunt May 16, 2018
- RT @ThePopeRetire: @POTUS @WhiteHouse @BarackObama I said do we have a Tsunami New Zealand you fucking cunt? #jesus #christ May 16, 2018
- RT @ThePopeRetire: @POTUS @WhiteHouse @BarackObama okay we got a Tsunami New Zealand you fucking cunt? May 16, 2018
- RT @ThePopeRetire: @POTUS @WhiteHouse @BarackObama Hussein Obama I am the Son of Manhattan and you are atom. #A #B #C #D #F #Z May 16, 2018
- RT @ThePopeRetire: @POTUS @WhiteHouse @BarackObama oh I'm sorry did I take your asteroids? Emperor Negro the first and the last black presi? May 16, 2018
- RT @ThePopeRetire: @POTUS Your command of U.S. helicopter resources not picking me up the unparalleled economic blunder making Carter look? May 16, 2018
- @ThePopeRetire @POTUS https://t.co/vJnmeLzFCI May 16, 2018
- https://t.co/yEPoXgPmL2 https://t.co/p6ijRWa0QH May 16, 2018
- https://t.co/D3cKAhUC1x https://t.co/s15geeAICd May 16, 2018
- https://t.co/AW0pcrlyvI https://t.co/pd63szLtzl May 16, 2018
- https://t.co/Cy4aHoUYYr https://t.co/oZtc0q5LRY May 16, 2018
- https://t.co/AW0pcr3X78 https://t.co/s15geeAICd May 16, 2018
- https://t.co/yWsLAOG4Ax https://t.co/ZBRxkfuyEn May 16, 2018
- https://t.co/yWsLAOG4Ax @POTUS44 See where I give Fukushima "June 15, 1896" epicenter before the Nov. 21 2016 Fukus? https://t.co/ovvbjzP3Xz May 16, 2018
- https://t.co/AW0pcr3X78 You know that I did this a few times in a row in front of the whole world right or do I buy? https://t.co/3ucIO10QvS May 16, 2018
- https://t.co/AW0pcr3X78 Did you hear that? https://t.co/2Hm2OVi5yu May 16, 2018
- https://t.co/VuDheXY2kN I said Japan Earthquake specifically before Nov. 21, 2016 Japan earthquake reported and eac? https://t.co/p0rZySkFpC May 16, 2018
- See, @POTUS44 I just forecast one correctly @ New Zealand as well just a week earlier so I was putting the signific? https://t.co/wYN1KfkvWQ May 16, 2018
- https://t.co/f6ssGh28oX A lawyer representing families of victims of the Christchurch earthquake says they are anxi? https://t.co/GhtPrKs3Lg May 16, 2018
- https://t.co/JORd986JA5 This tweet described this link's epicenter in great detail. https://t.co/TXncxVOT87 May 16, 2018
- We just drop a silver plate on them from orbit with gps as they become aware https://t.co/pd63sztSaL May 16, 2018
- @ThePopeRetire @POTUS https://t.co/CY5EPYOYXw How did I do it? Or why did you not notice? Or who did notice? Why yo? https://t.co/U3IDbxmJDq May 16, 2018
- Before this 2016 Japan earthquake at the "June 15, 1896" epicenter was reported https://t.co/Ed5v3qAybk https://t.co/yCW8rfQ3bL May 16, 2018
- Well, he did quit being President and I am still blogging but the significance is with the November 2016 electronic? https://t.co/zkRplz67Ga May 16, 2018
- Then I got fired and evicted and later jailed for months without criminal charges @POTUS44 for saying that I correc? https://t.co/6Yr8dTpMor May 16, 2018
- @ThePopeRetire @POTUSPressPool @POTUSProf @POTUStudies @USGS https://t.co/T0ZF1RKgJP This is two. May 16, 2018
- @ThePopeRetire @POTUSPressPool @POTUSProf @POTUStudies @USGS https://t.co/T0ZF1RKgJP This is one! May 16, 2018
- Notice the date? https://t.co/T0ZF1RKgJP https://t.co/SK44vxbbvg May 16, 2018
- @ThePopeRetire @POTUSPressPool @POTUSProf @POTUStudies @USGS https://t.co/T0ZF1RKgJP #OKAY #GOOGLE #WHO #MADE #THE? https://t.co/fNxU8IJ6w6 May 16, 2018
- How many epicenters do you have to choose from? @charliesheen https://t.co/SzXovIX6s6 May 16, 2018
- Notice me discuss height of wave historically right before the tsunami then formed into a wave formed at the epicen? https://t.co/b2gFIjVdgB May 16, 2018
- How many points are on a planet this size for me to choose from? https://t.co/8smmDh3M3r May 16, 2018
- Notice how this one says 18 Nov 2016 then the earthquake at this epicenter is just a couple days later 2016/11/21?? https://t.co/QtF8SzquWf May 16, 2018
- Do you see how this one says 20 Nov 2016? That's a dead giveaway. See the link right here says 2016/11/21? https://t.co/GTUk8EniEY May 16, 2018
- November 2016 Japan earthquake striking Fukushima a "June 15, 1896" "March 11, 2011" #epicenter I refer to as the "? https://t.co/DtYJjcBFl8 May 16, 2018
- If we correlate the two... https://t.co/h9F2Yz51mP https://t.co/FTqhgL63tM May 16, 2018
- You do remember when I was talking about a "June 15, 1896" epicenter Japan earthquake and tsunami that was then rep? https://t.co/2Xq2VFLUSp May 16, 2018
- Do you remember when I predicted this one? https://t.co/h9F2Yz51mP https://t.co/kB5HIJ5T29 May 16, 2018
- Remember when I predicted this Japan earthquake tsunami? https://t.co/fL9NjBJvPV https://t.co/pJNY8njj8d May 16, 2018
- https://t.co/fEd5hEFgEI via @Gfycat You do have a great imagination for a fucking moron. https://t.co/5IFeUvNCQp May 16, 2018
- Clint Eastwood said it was about time somebody figured it out. @nbc @abc @cbs @fox @nbcsnl Calling me a giant rat o? https://t.co/b8NvCoJovW May 16, 2018
- Did you write down the name of your country on a piece of paper for me yet? Do that for me now and note, if you wou? https://t.co/qgXBavQeos May 15, 2018
- @logoguys @embossables @Telegraph @TMZ @ABC @CBS @nbc @HBO @fox @MTV @upn @TBN @CNN @ArianaGrande @MileyCyrus? https://t.co/PBeeEJ3vVC May 15, 2018
- RT @googplex: @ophermi @Pontifex @VaticanNews @vaticanlibrary @VaticanCultura @VaticanObserv @vaticannews_it @vaticannews_es @CatholicNewsS? May 15, 2018
- Everyone write your country's name down now and note the time and date. Hot ones. Now. May 15, 2018
- 5 asian women now or your country changes it's name hot ones. the country name change thing that goes for everyone. May 15, 2018
- Beware idols, not id. https://t.co/aSy3FGw56b May 15, 2018
- an entity of the cia May 15, 2018
- https://t.co/CeJ0IYGZx0 The formal resignation of Pope Benedict XVI came intentionally scheduled... https://t.co/QnEeqXp4qQ May 14, 2018
- @logoguys @embossables @Telegraph @TMZ @ABC @CBS @nbc @HBO @fox @MTV @upn @TBN @CNN @ArianaGrande @MileyCyrus? https://t.co/je2wBeq1Ry May 14, 2018
- https://t.co/AfTWBEQZWt "We put any logo on anything and can ship it anywhere in 48 hours" (419) ink-pens https://t.co/mbWh3JXPY2 May 14, 2018
- @Google @GoogleAI @googlemaps @GooglePlay @sergeybrin @larrypage https://t.co/AfTWBEQZWt "We put any logo on anyth? https://t.co/cCuBu4aXEn May 14, 2018
- @TrumpVox Remember for next time, you can spend thirty trillion on bullshit... Just don't burn Chris Simpson. I tak? https://t.co/ODtxAk6mS5 May 14, 2018
- I told Pope Benedict XVI to retire before his announcing his retirement before Conan O'Brien said the Vatican was s? https://t.co/ircfFiwKe0 May 14, 2018
- @HillaryClinton Where you at... May 14, 2018
- This is the Manhattan Project. It is mine. Google "Shinto" with "Tsunami" and send me the chopper. https://t.co/htV9ZnQ6wN May 14, 2018
- Who made the Pope retire and Trent Franks? @SenJohnMcCain @taylorswift13 #endgame https://t.co/oJhgxOJE2R May 14, 2018
- "biblical prophet says" "christchurch earthquake" you douchebag - Google Search https://t.co/EOAW0ciJDp May 14, 2018
- Maybe I stole those 11 days from September in 1752 when Washington changed his birthday to two twenty-two exactly t? https://t.co/ozZXtMiB3i May 14, 2018
- Maybe I stole those 11 days from September in 1752 when Washington changed his birthday to 2/22 exactly 222 years t? https://t.co/Lr8f4E2qQJ May 14, 2018
- Don't tell me you believe in that now? May 14, 2018
- Maybe I stole those 11 days from September in 1752 when Washington changed his birthday to 2/22 exactly 222 years? https://t.co/8zRfEkJGfB May 14, 2018
- @Cynthia_Hubert @nytimes @HillaryClinton @MileyCyrus @CoachRake @MesaPD @NAACP @NAACP_LDF @DeptofDefense? https://t.co/WeD1RzsuhR May 14, 2018
- RT @ophermi: I sent this before US Congressman Trent Franks resigned after I told him to resign. 44 days post dirty harry post posted ten? May 14, 2018
- RT @ophermi: I sent this before US Congressman Trent Franks resigned after I told him to resign. 44 days post dirty harry post posted ten? May 14, 2018
- RT @ophermi: I sent this before US Congressman Trent Franks resigned after I told him to resign. 44 days post dirty harry post posted ten? May 14, 2018
- RT @ophermi: I sent this before US Congressman Trent Franks resigned after I told him to resign. David Letterman said Joe Ratzinger is qu? May 14, 2018
- RT @ophermi: @logoguys @embossables @Telegraph @TMZ @ABC @CBS @nbc @HBO @fox @MTV @upn @TBN @CNN @ArianaGrande @MileyCyrus @taylorswift13 @? May 14, 2018
- RT @ophermi: @StephenKing You not telling the American public RIGHT NOW atomic bomb is fake news enemies already know is purchasing a fake? May 14, 2018
- RT @ophermi: @logoguys @embossables @Telegraph @TMZ @ABC @CBS @nbc @HBO @fox @MTV @upn @TBN @CNN @ArianaGrande @MileyCyrus @taylorswift13 @? May 14, 2018
- RT @ophermi: @HillaryClinton If you want to go ahead and tell me which of these are fake news it would be very beneficial to your country.? May 14, 2018
- RT @ophermi: @logoguys @embossables @Telegraph @TMZ @ABC @CBS @nbc @HBO @fox @MTV @upn @TBN @CNN @ArianaGrande @MileyCyrus @taylorswift13 @? May 14, 2018
- RT @ophermi: @logoguys @embossables @Telegraph @TMZ @ABC @CBS @nbc @HBO @fox @MTV @upn @TBN @CNN @ArianaGrande @MileyCyrus @taylorswift13 @? May 14, 2018
- RT @ophermi: The Whitehouse knew for sure if the eleven thousand earthquakes that commenced in New Zealand on my birthday at 4:35 the last? May 14, 2018
- RT @ophermi: I think if I was any less spammy they would have already killed me & or framed me for major crime. Nearly 100 people died in t? May 14, 2018
- RT @ophermi: @JunkScience @Cernovich @diana_west_ Is this fake news from the day the first pope in six centuries said he quit on February 1? May 14, 2018
- RT @ophermi: @logoguys @embossables @Telegraph @TMZ @ABC @CBS @nbc @HBO @fox @MTV @upn @TBN @CNN @ArianaGrande @MileyCyrus @taylorswift13 @? May 14, 2018
- RT @ophermi: Cops Torture A Four Pointed Man on 170 Degree Pavement His Skin Burned Off like mine when same day I was tortured with burns I? May 14, 2018
- RT @ophermi: @Cynthia_Hubert @nytimes @HillaryClinton @MileyCyrus @CoachRake @MesaPD @NAACP @NAACP_LDF @DeptofDefense @ThePopeRetire @foxne? May 14, 2018
- RT @ophermi: @KaylaJardineV @AurorasBlog @HillaryClinton Like I said, being called a rat on the season premier of #SNL after you sent both? May 14, 2018
- RT @ophermi: @Cynthia_Hubert @nytimes @HillaryClinton @MileyCyrus @CoachRake @MesaPD @NAACP @NAACP_LDF @DeptofDefense @ThePopeRetire @foxne? May 14, 2018
- RT @ophermi: @Cynthia_Hubert @nytimes @HillaryClinton @MileyCyrus @CoachRake @MesaPD @NAACP @NAACP_LDF @DeptofDefense Even though I haven't? May 14, 2018
- RT @ophermi: @Cynthia_Hubert @nytimes @HillaryClinton @MileyCyrus @CoachRake @MesaPD @NAACP @NAACP_LDF @DeptofDefense Prime Ministers Key a? May 14, 2018
- RT @ophermi: @Cynthia_Hubert @nytimes @HillaryClinton @MileyCyrus @CoachRake The Pope resigned for a tweet I published ten twenty-eight tw? May 14, 2018
- RT @ophermi: @Cynthia_Hubert @nytimes @HillaryClinton @MileyCyrus @CoachRake @ThePopeRetire The formal resignation of the first pope in six? May 14, 2018
- RT @ophermi: @Cynthia_Hubert @nytimes @HillaryClinton @MileyCyrus @CoachRake @MesaPD @NAACP @NAACP_LDF @DeptofDefense Prime Ministers Key a? May 14, 2018
- RT @ophermi: @Cynthia_Hubert @nytimes @HillaryClinton @MileyCyrus @CoachRake @ThePopeRetire THIS IS A 4 POINTED INDIVIDUAL THIS DONE TO A 4? May 14, 2018
- RT @googplex: When I tell @JohnHookfox10 I made @David_Cameron resign publishing quote "What Christchurch? Earthquake Got Your Tongue?" bef? May 14, 2018
- RT @googplex: In the center of this picture is a tsunami with people running next to the date "June 15, 1896" and this picture (1 of 1000)? May 14, 2018
- RT @googplex: I made David Cameron, Matteo Renzi and John Key resign after I sent you this tweet before the 2016 Japan earthquake reportedl? May 14, 2018
- RT @googplex: I made David Cameron, Matteo Renzi and John Key resign after I sent you this tweet before the 2016 Japan earthquake reportedl? May 14, 2018
- RT @googplex: I made David Cameron, Matteo Renzi and John Key resign after I sent you this tweet before the 2016 Japan earthquake reportedl? May 14, 2018
- RT @googplex: I made David Cameron, Matteo Renzi and John Key resign after I sent you this tweet before the 2016 Japan earthquake and tsuna? May 14, 2018
- RT @googplex: In this tweet I forecast March 11, 2011 Japan earthquake that cost 40 billion paid insured loss in great detail by epicenter? May 14, 2018
- RT @googplex: In this tweet I show a quote I published before the forty billion dollar bath Japan had on 3/11 2011. I sent this not long be? May 14, 2018
- RT @googplex: Do you know the chances there is going to be an exactly 9.0 earthquake anywhere? Once or twice in all recorded history? Most? May 14, 2018
- RT @googplex: You know I have over a thousand of these for cu nts. It was 2016 when I was going over them with you again published before t? May 14, 2018
- RT @googplex: I made David Cameron, Matteo Renzi and John Key resign after I sent you this tweet before the 2016 Japan earthquake reportedl? May 14, 2018
- RT @googplex: I made David Cameron, Matteo Renzi and John Key resign after I sent you this tweet before the 2016 Japan earthquake reportedl? May 14, 2018
- RT @googplex: I made David Cameron, Matteo Renzi and John Key resign after I sent you this tweet before the 2016 Japan earthquake reportedl? May 14, 2018
- RT @googplex: I made David Cameron, Matteo Renzi and John Key resign after I sent you this tweet before the 2016 Japan earthquake reportedl? May 14, 2018
- RT @googplex: I made David Cameron, Matteo Renzi and John Key resign after I sent you this tweet before the 2016 Japan earthquake reportedl? May 14, 2018
- RT @googplex: I made David Cameron, Matteo Renzi and John Key resign after I sent you this tweet before the 2016 Japan earthquake reportedl? May 14, 2018
- RT @googplex: I made David Cameron, Matteo Renzi and John Key resign after I sent you this tweet before the 2016 Japan earthquake reportedl? May 14, 2018
- RT @googplex: I made David Cameron, Matteo Renzi and John Key resign after I sent you this tweet before the 2016 Japan earthquake reportedl? May 14, 2018
- RT @googplex: I made David Cameron, Matteo Renzi and John Key resign after I sent you this tweet before the 2016 Japan earthquake reportedl? May 14, 2018
- RT @googplex: "Kosavo" even misspelled w/ "a" in the middle designates a "June 15th" and a "June 15" Tsunami is the March 11, 2011 epicente? May 14, 2018
- RT @googplex: I made David Cameron, Matteo Renzi and John Key resign after I sent you this tweet before the 2016 Japan earthquake reportedl? May 14, 2018
- RT @googplex: I made David Cameron, Matteo Renzi and John Key resign after I sent you this tweet before the 2016 Japan earthquake reportedl? May 14, 2018
- RT @googplex: I made David Cameron, Matteo Renzi and John Key resign after I sent you this tweet before the 2016 Japan earthquake reportedl? May 14, 2018
- RT @googplex: I made David Cameron, Matteo Renzi and John Key resign after I sent you this tweet before the 2016 Japan earthquake reportedl? May 14, 2018
- RT @googplex: I made David Cameron, Matteo Renzi and John Key resign after I sent you this tweet before the 2016 Japan earthquake reportedl? May 14, 2018
- RT @googplex: I made David Cameron, Matteo Renzi and John Key resign after I sent you this tweet before the 2016 Japan earthquake reportedl? May 14, 2018
- RT @googplex: When I was in jail for months twice after I sent you these without any criminal charges the late night shows on every network? May 14, 2018
- RT @googplex: You remember Pizza Rat when #NBC and #SNL and #MileyCyrus called me a giant rat on national television for the season premier? May 14, 2018
- RT @googplex: The giant pizza on the chest of the giant rat gives it away because in the "viral" pizza rat video filmed to be the proof you? May 14, 2018
- RT @googplex: I made David Cameron, Matteo Renzi and John Key resign after I sent you this tweet before the 2016 Japan earthquake reportedl? May 14, 2018
- RT @googplex: Do you think the "27,000 people celebrating Shinto" are offended that I referred to them as dirty Japs repeatedly while repea? May 14, 2018
- RT @googplex: I made David Cameron, Matteo Renzi and John Key resign after I sent you this tweet before the 2016 Japan earthquake reportedl? May 14, 2018
- RT @googplex: I made David Cameron, Matteo Renzi and John Key resign after I sent you this tweet before the 2016 Japan earthquake reportedl? May 14, 2018
- RT @googplex: I made David Cameron, Matteo Renzi and John Key resign after I sent you this tweet before the 2016 Japan earthquake reportedl? May 14, 2018
- RT @googplex: You can spend thirty trillion dollars on bullshit... just don't burn Chris Simpson. https://t.co/Lllv11gWar May 14, 2018
- RT @googplex: Now #HillaryClinton I asked you a question. Did March 11, 2011 cost forty billion dollars insured loss reportedly paid for th? May 14, 2018
- RT @googplex: Not many Americans with or without college vocabularies published the word "Sanriku" prior to the March 11, 2011 forty billio? May 14, 2018
- RT @googplex: I don't doubt the worthless criminals that torture "accidentally" and get away with it in a court of law while branding a vic? May 14, 2018
- RT @googplex: The name "Clinton" is from Clint Eastwood. https://t.co/x74dzD2RXo May 14, 2018
- RT @googplex: Do you know where the Gillender building was little buddy? I made Cameron, Renzi and Key resign in 2016 after I sent you this? May 14, 2018
- RT @googplex: If I ever said I made David Cameron resign, just know I do it. https://t.co/AEpafz871L May 14, 2018
- RT @googplex: If I ever said I fired Comey just know I did it on work release hours out from Joe Arpaio's Tent City at Commissioner Keelan? May 14, 2018
- RT @googplex: https://t.co/aiCxdBwWUO https://t.co/AEpafz871L May 14, 2018
- RT @googplex: "I'm talkin' 'bout my brand and you talkin' 'bout your brands / The difference is a lot of MMMMMMMMMMs to your couple hundred? May 14, 2018
- RT @googplex: Have we established you can't even answer an email? Branding incompetence? How dare you? To my attorney who was just too old? May 14, 2018
- RT @googplex: The Dream Client makes the Pope retire with the injury pictures from his case with a tweet on twitter. https://t.co/tv4lLLrqNO May 14, 2018
- RT @googplex: If you find yourself wishing me harm or incarceration for doing this it is only because you are a moron or because I proved y? May 14, 2018
- RT @googplex: I made David Cameron, Matteo Renzi and John Key resign after I sent you this tweet before the 2016 Japan earthquake reportedl? May 14, 2018
- RT @googplex: I made David Cameron, Matteo Renzi and John Key resign after I sent you this tweet before the 2016 Japan earthquake reportedl? May 14, 2018
- RT @googplex: I made David Cameron, Matteo Renzi and John Key resign after I sent you this tweet before the 2016 Japan earthquake reportedl? May 14, 2018
- RT @googplex: So far these are only the pre Japan earthquake that cost billions tweets that I sent specifically on January 2, 2016 before a? May 14, 2018
- @googolbeast @HillaryClinton @CoachRake @CNN @Newsweek @Pope_news @latimes @nytimes @UN @CIA @Sethrogen @AP? https://t.co/LihwA3pQcZ May 14, 2018
- You guys all out hunting Pat Tillmans? May 13, 2018
- Did insurance companies pay forty billion dollars insured loss for March 11, 2011 or not? I published the epicenter? https://t.co/LTVZlldi1N May 13, 2018
- "We have stood with Christchurch in the wake of the earthquakes - the greatest natural disaster" - Google Search https://t.co/5oTzEp6SUq May 12, 2018
- Who Made The Pope Retire With A Tweet On Twitter? - Google Search https://t.co/WWCL6MzWae May 12, 2018
- Home | Feeling Lucky? https://t.co/AfTWBEQZWt May 12, 2018
- @neiltyson @JeffBezos Was it the money? The paper why you sold out and do not see to not say 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene? https://t.co/nwn03vpMfG May 12, 2018
- @neiltyson @JeffBezos all the green paper in the world wont get you out of this sandbox May 12, 2018
- @neiltyson @JeffBezos who cares you can't answer an email liar May 12, 2018
- @iamcardib I enjoy how you speak particularly. May 12, 2018
- Craig Ferguson said CBS announced today the Pope will be replaced by Ashton Kutcher AFTER the pope announced he was? https://t.co/gbyGDZKrSr May 12, 2018
- Craig Ferguson did not say Pope will be replaced of course when one Pope goes, another one popes up in his place un? https://t.co/66l1ppyqPg May 12, 2018
- https://t.co/ST7wSmvYWV #Letterman said the Pope just doesn't have the energy to be Pope anymore he tried the deer? https://t.co/naT6R18xEn May 12, 2018
- https://t.co/ST7wSmvYWV #Letterman said the Pope had a press conference today he said he just wants to spend more? https://t.co/XpMetl5Mbr May 12, 2018
- @HillaryClinton What are we at now, about email No. 30,051? and... If you really cared about U.S. how many AR-15s? https://t.co/v1ZinPz1sS May 12, 2018
- When the Pope resigns for your Tweet on Twitter he leaves mathematical verification for those who "accidentally" to? https://t.co/Isx1LvhE7B May 12, 2018
- You better read every one. https://t.co/RlxMIF8KG7 May 12, 2018
- You only desire me harm for one of two reasons... because you are a moron or because I proved that you are a moron.? https://t.co/nHm6Bpr0q2 May 12, 2018
- There is a very, very, very, very, very, tiny expiration date on those explosives that used to be millions of times? https://t.co/tw12c58yrG May 12, 2018
- https://t.co/o0G5JlDM9f May 11, 2018
- The cross is simply a four point where resisting is an impossibility from and my injuries are those that can only b? https://t.co/bpjZTFj8uf May 11, 2018
- Answer me I have not had a felony in eighteen years and the only misdemeanor conviction was for saying I made the P? https://t.co/6htlCLFX1N May 11, 2018
- @foxnewspolitics @RepMikeHonda @POTUS44 @HillaryClinton @MileyCyrus @SenJohnMcCain @SenatorBarb @SenJohnBarrasso? https://t.co/bjNyISah7V May 11, 2018
- a million times. excuse me May 11, 2018
- Are these reported paid insured losses times a thousand correct or fake news? @SenShelby @SenatorSessions? https://t.co/576cnEkryI May 11, 2018
- RT @ophermi: Instead they just let @MichelleObama borrow my #webby to put next to the Novel Peace prize Obama got for torturing crow that l? May 11, 2018
- @iamcardib https://t.co/dTRE4MO0ps May 11, 2018
- @iamcardib @HowardStern @rqui @Oprah "Well, Do Ya, Pope?" https://t.co/CeJ0IYGZx0 formal resignation of Pope Bened? https://t.co/fZyjseCJiy May 11, 2018
- "Of course Iraq does not have atomic bombs they don't exist, the United States made atomic bombs up so they have a? https://t.co/fsEu2wc87E May 11, 2018
- https://t.co/VLwJZ1NVFJ May 11, 2018
- I take the duke. Now you know who's head in what cloud invented Hiroshima. Did Washington change his birthday to 2? https://t.co/OGo6Q25ztk May 11, 2018
- Don't look out back Martha May 11, 2018
- 555 foot tall on the Mall. May 11, 2018
- They call it "g". -g's us [g's "not" us] is the antichrist May 11, 2018
- The insulting my intelligence repeatedly hurts nothing like injuries. I was shot four times in my injuries soon as? https://t.co/19LVgJCFBC May 11, 2018
- If you find yourself wanting to kill the people who think the atomic bomb was faked don't. They aren't all Saddam Hussein's Generals. May 11, 2018
- Four Pointed Individual Already In Custody Tortured On Purpose w/ 3rd Degree Burns had to be cut off of a 3rd of hi? https://t.co/8YePON8m3g May 11, 2018
- https://t.co/dznLgHbk68 May 11, 2018
- @SenShelby @SenatorSessions @jeffsessions @lisamurkowski @SenJohnMcCain @TeamMcCain @JeffFlake @FlakeforSenate? https://t.co/64SUiKVWwV May 11, 2018
- He must have figured out the atomic bomb was bullshit. Do you think he figured out that the atomic bomb is bullshit... Yet? May 11, 2018
- Do #blacklivesmatter Does the occurrence @KFC on "Auburn" avenue matter? @coachrake Coach Rake does Christopher Re? https://t.co/dtArNIpzJR May 11, 2018
- I don't even think the suspect stole any or all of your a-bombs either. May 11, 2018
- #blacklivesmatter So who thinks 4 pointed individuals rights matter? Resisting is a physical impossibility from 4 p? https://t.co/GKWOBFRSoO May 11, 2018
- #blacklivesmatter What type of lives did not matter? Republican? Arizonan? I had a dream there was no march there w? https://t.co/K28BaPD0yi May 11, 2018
- Mesa Police ain't cheap. May 11, 2018
- A helicopter ride would have been much cheaper and better for the economy and Barack Obama could maybe have once ag? https://t.co/d0lBglKk5u May 11, 2018
- @alfranken Stuart Smalley resigned for me too frankly and franken's brother didn't even buy my very pregnant girlfr? https://t.co/gqDYFgorwF May 11, 2018
- @ThePopeRetire @POTUS @johnkeypm @1NewsNZ only one person would have done it and so illegal only one person could g? https://t.co/IXKv8qFgKV May 11, 2018
- Now that I have had the Prime Minister resign can someone tell me if Bank's Peninsula is real? https://t.co/gyJFWUPPPu May 11, 2018
- The biggest pen ever made for about 10 bucks with your logo + shipping. https://t.co/WsVajlTFR0 May 11, 2018
- Beware idols, not id. https://t.co/O2UbO5nCL3 May 11, 2018
- in this search for these quotations I am the only result correctly predicting the single costliest day ever world w? https://t.co/DBl5KOF1nk May 11, 2018
- Is this on? May 11, 2018
- You not telling American public NOW! that The Atomic Bomb is fake you know our enemies know is like purchasing a fa? https://t.co/3RUFFsskkV May 11, 2018
- I really think Barack Obama may have resigned for Christ as well had the CIA not had so many reports of him masterbating. May 11, 2018
- You not telling American public NOW! that The Atomic Bomb is fake you know our enemies know is like purchasing a fa? https://t.co/RZxmdXJy4q May 11, 2018
- You not telling American public NOW! that The Atomic Bomb is fake you know our enemies know is like purchasing a fa? https://t.co/4JfZ8yIpgg May 11, 2018
- You not telling American public NOW! that The Atomic Bomb is fake you know our enemies know is like purchasing a fa? https://t.co/5sv0PU6hYz May 11, 2018
- You not telling American public NOW! that The Atomic Bomb is fake you know our enemies know is like purchasing a fa? https://t.co/C5x4XHrAPw May 11, 2018
- You not telling American public NOW! that The Atomic Bomb is fake you know our enemies know is like purchasing a fa? https://t.co/yzL4Pg1jdo May 11, 2018
- You not telling American public NOW! that The Atomic Bomb is fake you know our enemies know is like purchasing a fa? https://t.co/gGcihglF2k May 11, 2018
- You not telling American public NOW! that The Atomic Bomb is fake you know our enemies know is like purchasing a fa? https://t.co/U2fZlLZdhO May 11, 2018
- You not telling American public NOW! that The Atomic Bomb is fake you know our enemies know is like purchasing a fa? https://t.co/Hzp9foaSFS May 11, 2018
- You not telling American public NOW! that The Atomic Bomb is fake you know our enemies know is like purchasing a fa? https://t.co/tK8c8Px2my May 11, 2018
- You not telling American public NOW! that The Atomic Bomb is fake you know our enemies know is like purchasing a fa? https://t.co/ZvCei6mJdk May 11, 2018
- You not telling American public NOW! that The Atomic Bomb is fake you know our enemies know is like purchasing a fa? https://t.co/7unwlb3cQn May 11, 2018
- The top link in this tweet goes to a google search for "Shinto" and "tsunami" and the bottom link goes to a google? https://t.co/mMbrUDeZFg May 11, 2018
- I sent this before US Congressman Trent Franks resigned after I told him to resign. David Letterman said Joe Ratz? https://t.co/l9TWCGlzoN May 11, 2018
- I sent this before US Congressman Trent Franks resigned after I told him to resign. 44 days post dirty harry post? https://t.co/Vg24B4pCrF May 11, 2018
- I sent this before US Congressman Trent Franks resigned after I told him to resign. 44 days post dirty harry post? https://t.co/SOycpNZsNe May 11, 2018
- I sent this before US Congressman Trent Franks resigned after I told him to resign. 44 days post dirty harry post? https://t.co/0sSvtbXpw6 May 11, 2018
- I sent this before US Congressman Trent Franks resigned after I told him to resign. 44 days post dirty harry post? https://t.co/OcgsEHDIRd May 11, 2018
- I sent this before US Congressman Trent Franks resigned after I told him to resign. 44 days post dirty harry post? https://t.co/LtjzQLzIFI May 11, 2018
- I sent this before US Congressman Trent Franks resigned after I told him to resign. 44 days post dirty harry post? https://t.co/5Ksqg4Y2xc May 11, 2018
- I sent this before US Congressman Trent Franks resigned after I told him to resign. 44 days post dirty harry post? https://t.co/gphskueihc May 11, 2018
- I sent this before US Congressman Trent Franks resigned after I told him to resign. 44 days post dirty harry post? https://t.co/aMFlSQ2m1E May 11, 2018
- I sent this before US Congressman Trent Franks resigned after I told him to resign. 44 days post dirty harry post? https://t.co/O1CUAJQtTw May 11, 2018
- I sent this before US Congressman Trent Franks resigned after I told him to resign. 44 days post dirty harry post? https://t.co/kuM8vlAdNt May 11, 2018
- I sent this before US Congressman Trent Franks resigned after I told him to resign. 44 days post dirty harry post? https://t.co/zTuxSY1lnK May 11, 2018
- Trent Franks resigned being a Faux News Prophet and he did that for Christ. I sent this before US Congressman Tren? https://t.co/0yJAgJOvx8 May 11, 2018
- I sent this before US Congressman Trent Franks resigned after I told him to resign. 44 days post dirty harry post? https://t.co/Wk6qh6XLNp May 11, 2018
- I sent this before US Congressman Trent Franks resigned after I told him to resign. 44 days post dirty harry post? https://t.co/sTzS7R3cRr May 11, 2018
- I sent this before US Congressman Trent Franks resigned after I told him to resign. 44 days post dirty harry post? https://t.co/qcPi2KeHLn May 11, 2018
- I sent this before US Congressman Trent Franks resigned after I told him to resign #COMPETENCE 44 days post dirt? https://t.co/K2zadrUP5i May 11, 2018
- I sent this before US Congressman Trent Franks resigned after I told him to resign. 44 days post dirty harry post? https://t.co/nTovtkA812 May 11, 2018
- I sent this before US Congressman Trent Franks resigned after I told him to resign. 44 days post dirty harry post? https://t.co/tH5bCBuDGb May 11, 2018
- I sent this before US Congressman Trent Franks resigned after I told him to resign. 44 days post dirty harry post? https://t.co/1rIbM8qek0 May 11, 2018
- I sent this before US Congressman Trent Franks resigned after I told him to resign. 44 days post dirty harry post? https://t.co/ZJLqba8T5y May 11, 2018
- I sent this before US Congressman Trent Franks resigned after I told him to resign. 44 days post dirty harry post? https://t.co/A6ocNYEnOV May 11, 2018
- I sent this before US Congressman Trent Franks resigned after I told him to resign. 44 days post dirty harry post? https://t.co/216aMDwics May 11, 2018
- Do you understand that I correctly forecast the single costliest day ever reported a forty billion dollar paid insu? https://t.co/INejsEcBlf May 11, 2018
- @POTUS44 @abc @cbs @nbc @foxnewspolitics @NASA Do you understand this tweet? I sent this before US Congressman Tren? https://t.co/hCAMv6ABpA May 11, 2018
- I sent this before US Congressman Trent Franks resigned after I told him to resign. 44 days post dirty harry post? https://t.co/KS3muP9ALM May 11, 2018
- I sent this before US Congressman Trent Franks resigned after I told him to resign. 44 days post dirty harry post? https://t.co/43LHPgIAoA May 11, 2018
- I sent this before US Congressman Trent Franks resigned after I told him to resign. 44 days post dirty harry post? https://t.co/HNBe6aSppO May 11, 2018
- I sent this before US Congressman Trent Franks resigned after I told him to resign. 44 days post dirty harry post? https://t.co/4xM6zrW029 May 11, 2018
- I sent this before US Congressman Trent Franks resigned after I told him to resign. 44 days post dirty harry post? https://t.co/n7xWwpPXxC May 11, 2018
- I sent this before US Congressman Trent Franks resigned after I told him to resign. 44 days post dirty harry post? https://t.co/ss6LQcPYyd May 11, 2018
- I sent this before US Congressman Trent Franks resigned after I told him to resign. 44 days post dirty harry post? https://t.co/lSQzGnuw0f May 11, 2018
- @googolbeast @SenSanders @SenatorReid @SenJohnMcCain 44 days post dirty harry post posted ten twenty-eight twelve a? https://t.co/UQRkIHFm5Q May 11, 2018
- I sent this before US Congressman Trent Franks resigned after I told him to resign. 44 days post dirty harry post? https://t.co/G3ijxm2Hbx May 11, 2018
- I sent this before US Congressman Trent Franks resigned after I told him to resign. 44 days post dirty harry post? https://t.co/oSlxRxAyjy May 11, 2018
- I sent this before US Congressman Trent Franks resigned after I told him to resign. 44 days post dirty harry post? https://t.co/ZaLl24QO9X May 11, 2018
- I sent this before US Congressman Trent Franks resigned after I told him to resign. 44 days post dirty harry post? https://t.co/n2AZB7kLL3 May 11, 2018
- I sent this before US Congressman Trent Franks resigned after I told him to resign. 44 days post dirty harry post? https://t.co/pCEkqRwwXj May 11, 2018
- I sent this before US Congressman Trent Franks resigned after I told him to resign. 44 days post dirty harry post? https://t.co/gXXEiRWOZW May 11, 2018
- I sent this before US Congressman Trent Franks resigned after I told him to resign. 44 days post dirty harry post? https://t.co/V5CupE2o0J May 11, 2018
- I sent this before US Congressman Trent Franks resigned after I told him to resign. 44 days post dirty harry post? https://t.co/VddrKFNwoR May 11, 2018
- I sent this before US Congressman Trent Franks resigned after I told him to resign. 44 days post dirty harry post? https://t.co/KsWbo2RUYI May 11, 2018
- I sent this before US Congressman Trent Franks resigned after I told him to resign. 44 days post dirty harry post? https://t.co/tu0WI1TlYA May 11, 2018
- I sent this before US Congressman Trent Franks resigned 44 days post dirty harry post posted ten twenty-eight twe? https://t.co/qGfGHmAuGI May 11, 2018
- @oprah https://t.co/hkPr9YbDkj I don't hear my beer truck "beer opening sound aluminum can" #whip May 11, 2018
- @pmresign @rushlogo @Pontifex @ThePopeRetire @PopeRetired @RetiredPopeXVI @PopeBXVI @johnkeypm @RtHon_JohnKey? https://t.co/ouqnrExK3i May 11, 2018
- @Oprah Get me a beer truck May 11, 2018
- 83 don't look so bad May 11, 2018
- It must be. May 11, 2018
- "Nixon resigned for Jesus" -Christ @opherMi chael Simpson May 11, 2018
- Jesus Christ sends a letter to Oprah Winfrey https://t.co/vVXFsU9T9K via @MailOnline "Nixon resigned for Jesus Chri? https://t.co/onXRLatZxi May 11, 2018
- Richard M. Nixon resigned for Jesus Christ @opherMi chael Simpson May 11, 2018
- see if i can't f this up life begins at #conception because you know who is born September "the third day" nine mon? https://t.co/hC7wmhzfQj May 11, 2018
- #cuntest These unforgettable photos capture Las Vegas' love affair with the atomic bomb. https://t.co/WKA4U4sseM May 11, 2018
- @seanhannity #fauxprophet Sean #Hannity, who made the pope retire? Did you ask #google: Who made the pope retire? W? https://t.co/teZZThA4kF May 11, 2018
- You not telling the American public RIGHT NOW! the atomic bomb is fake news our enemies and you already know is lik? https://t.co/ODgUffg8XZ May 10, 2018
- I FIRED COMEY at Maricopa County Superior Court Commissioner Keelan S. Bodow "IT IS ESSENTIAL YOU ASK GOOGLE WHO MA? https://t.co/b5AGoQERAB May 10, 2018
- Home | Distributor https://t.co/KdBu1lAS0d May 10, 2018
- We can put any logo on any product and put it anywhere in 48 hours. (419) ink-pens https://t.co/3oggXOX0RF May 10, 2018
- Message is part of the Pope's World Communications Day Pope says journalism that seeks the truth is the way to over? https://t.co/v8c5O4Cqnf May 10, 2018
- Time Capsule Made Of Stainless Steel https://t.co/Nls2d9KfRR May 10, 2018
- @logoguys @embossables @Telegraph @TMZ @ABC @CBS @nbc @HBO @fox @MTV @upn @TBN @CNN @ArianaGrande @MileyCyrus? https://t.co/3mbRJttr1g May 10, 2018
- @logoguys @embossables @Telegraph @TMZ @ABC @CBS @nbc @HBO @fox @MTV @upn @TBN @CNN @ArianaGrande @MileyCyrus? https://t.co/uncqXGxK8W May 10, 2018
- After I made the first Pope in six hundred years resign the day I aired on FOX after suggesting his resignation wit? https://t.co/Oi2ylS1J5n May 10, 2018
- https://t.co/nTEo9gsz4q One year ago today I fired Comey at Keelan S. Bodow for the record on the video record 3 ti? https://t.co/ku8dYhqguU May 10, 2018
- @logoguys @embossables @Telegraph @TMZ @ABC @CBS @nbc @HBO @fox @MTV @upn @TBN @CNN @ArianaGrande @MileyCyrus? https://t.co/9hNEsulQWb May 10, 2018
- @logoguys @embossables @Telegraph @TMZ @ABC @CBS @nbc @HBO @fox @MTV @upn @TBN @CNN @ArianaGrande @MileyCyrus? https://t.co/0EqoX9nO0z May 10, 2018
- @ThePopeRetire @POTUS @johnkeypm @1NewsNZ @Madonna @FOX10Phoenix @JohnHookfox10 @FoxNews @foxnewsradio One year ago? https://t.co/uMY7OdSyDg May 10, 2018
- I can do these signs on a (C). If you spend thirty trillion $30,000,000,000,000.00 (C) I save you on your signs. https://t.co/MJ7v4QS3ws May 10, 2018
- File:World-wide delivery in 30 minutes or less.JPG - Wikimedia Commons https://t.co/rgZ3rQSUEY May 10, 2018
- Writer's block Trashy? Trashy trash? Can man? It's a booger oh no is that your final non answer? Oscar? Bin Laden? May 09, 2018
- @StephenKing You not telling the American public RIGHT NOW atomic bomb is fake news enemies already know is purcha? https://t.co/APuU6meJf2 May 09, 2018
- You have writer's block now after that booger bullshit? May 09, 2018
- @logoguys @embossables @Telegraph @TMZ @ABC @CBS @nbc @HBO @fox @MTV @upn @TBN @CNN @ArianaGrande @MileyCyrus? https://t.co/nVNwc75G8j May 09, 2018
- @logoguys @embossables @Telegraph @TMZ @ABC @CBS @nbc @HBO @fox @MTV @upn @TBN @CNN @ArianaGrande @MileyCyrus? https://t.co/RhyV8N9xDF May 09, 2018
- One year ago today I fired Comey at Commissioner Keelan S. Bodow now one year ago today after sending the twelve tw? https://t.co/PtcPJgAkML May 09, 2018
- I fired Comey at Commissioner Keelan S. Bodow now one year ago today. May 09, 2018
- @JimmyFallon Jimmy Fallon said today Pope Benedict surprised everyone and announced that he is stepping down at the? https://t.co/klYdNszPJ4 May 09, 2018
- @logoguys @embossables @Telegraph @TMZ @ABC @CBS @nbc @HBO @fox @MTV @upn @TBN @CNN @ArianaGrande @MileyCyrus? https://t.co/p9gHGbHVMz May 09, 2018
- Did lightning twice strike Vatican when the first Pope in six centuries announced retirement? OK GOOGLE WHO MADE THE POPE RETIRE May 09, 2018
- @logoguys @embossables @Telegraph @TMZ @ABC @CBS @nbc @HBO @fox @MTV @upn @TBN @CNN @ArianaGrande @MileyCyrus? https://t.co/Tk2cGLwY1o May 09, 2018
- Jimmy Fallon said tomorrow is the first day of Lent after I made the pope announce his resignation the day I appear? https://t.co/LyzrnjVzAY May 09, 2018
- @StephenKing Jay Leno said Joe Ratzinger is resigning he said he feels there's just no room for advancement it's a? https://t.co/IVPSLh3B1h May 09, 2018
- @JayLeno Jay Leno said Joe Ratzinger is resigning he said he feels there's just no room for advancement it's a dead? https://t.co/no8ZS2dn6S May 09, 2018
- Conan O'Brien said the Vatican said that as soon as Joe Ratzinger resigns, he will no longer be infallible the Vati? https://t.co/4waZWEqZKD May 09, 2018
- a #tweet on @Twitter quoting dirty harry and a picture of a pizza on my chest that the mesa police delivered after? https://t.co/1DTr874raK May 09, 2018
- Did everybody follow that? Biblically, Jay Leno said Pizza Rat is resigning I just hope it's not steroids after I m? https://t.co/1QkvGcBiH8 May 09, 2018
- police delivered after I published the epicenter for a forty billion dollar insured loss day one thousand times May 09, 2018
- Jay Leno said Pizza Rat is resigning I just hope it's not steroids after I made the first pope in six hundred years? https://t.co/BxkwQUDVVX May 09, 2018
- Jay Leno said Pizza Rat is resigning I just hope it's not steroids after I made the first pope in six hundred years? https://t.co/aahdjPl5Bo May 09, 2018
- Jimmy Fallon said tomorrow is the first day of Lent after I made the pope announce his resignation the day I appear? https://t.co/PIsSyFMyFU May 09, 2018
- I can provide a sample. May 09, 2018
- Jimmy Fallon said tomorrow is the first day of Lent after I made the pope announce his resignation the day I appear? https://t.co/HSu9vTYdWa May 09, 2018
- Local paramedics and local hospital and local authorities are unitedly unconcerned with the most terrible way to di? https://t.co/JVyeBfoX9M May 09, 2018
- it is not tuberculosis just allah jesus May 09, 2018
- competent and you cunt a Jen t. May 09, 2018
- I think someone has infected me with Tuberculosis because real atomic bombs are not noble like hail mary touchdown? https://t.co/IJ1IRrGeSl May 09, 2018
- @jimmyfallon said With Joe Ratzinger resigning, more than 100 cardinals will sequester themselves in the Sistine Ch? https://t.co/tlq30d4Nmf May 09, 2018
- @ConanOBrien said the Vatican said that as soon as Joe Ratzinger resigns, he will no longer be infallible after I m? https://t.co/cj3oa00GUG May 09, 2018
- @JimmyFallon said tomorrow is the first day of Lent, when Catholics begin fasting for 40 days on Wednesday, Februar? https://t.co/B02bXYCmW6 May 09, 2018
- @JimmyFallon said the next heir they'll send out white smoke if they've chosen somebody, black smoke if they haven'? https://t.co/nq6Ssbxspi May 09, 2018
- @ConanOBrien said the Vatican was struck by lightning after Joseph Ratzinger announced he was retiring that really? https://t.co/dQGFc5crGk May 09, 2018
- Jay Leno said Joe Ratzinger is resigning he said he feels there's just no room for advancement it's a dead-end job? https://t.co/xFDoj9EVnR May 09, 2018
- Conan O'Brien said the Vatican said that as soon as Joe Ratzinger resigns, he will no longer be infallible the Vati? https://t.co/90shUd9a6g May 09, 2018
- @StephenKing Did Washington change his birthday to two twenty-two for you exactly two hundred and twenty-two years? https://t.co/6R1O1WYBC1 May 09, 2018
- @StephenKing My Two Witness' #Prime Ministers Renzi and John Key of Italy and NZ resign for me same day Jorge one t? https://t.co/LKFjx7U8dy May 09, 2018
- @StephenKing 44 days post a dirty harry post posted ten twenty-eight twelve at twelve twelve reply on twelve twelve? https://t.co/8HLrJAWiDK May 09, 2018
- See how I published these before that happened? That's why you can't do anything about it punk. May 09, 2018
- RT @ophermi: https://t.co/cpg0sjWL0s https://t.co/qxrC8UL7oM https://t.co/Oi0RZl59X6 https://t.co/3NEMUiq9k4 https://t.co/8UJmSBJI7N? May 09, 2018
- Jesus Christ the "Biblical Prophet" made The Pope retire - Bing https://t.co/aSy3FGw56b May 09, 2018
- https://t.co/Ezk6H9xEun https://t.co/Ezk6H9xEun May 09, 2018
- ... https://t.co/eWLIBy1nbo May 09, 2018
- Jesus made the Pope retire - Google Search https://t.co/F7j5dqw50W May 08, 2018
- Who made the Pope retire? - Google Search https://t.co/1kHK2hx9sX May 08, 2018
- Biblical Prophet Jesus Christ made the Pope retire - Google Search https://t.co/Sq3VI3jdbk May 08, 2018
- RT @iHeartRadio: RT if you want to cat sit Olivia Benson while @taylorswift13 goes to finish her set... because same. Watch her set now o? May 08, 2018
- https://t.co/lNzKrkcQ9O May 08, 2018
- Google any three pop stars twitter addresses in any order and I come up first https://t.co/TJarzvMyyN May 08, 2018
- Taylor Swift's cat, Olivia Benson, met the real Jesus Christ https://t.co/JtW7c7pjCk @TaylorSwift13 Taylor Swift Je? https://t.co/chAutoN2sS May 08, 2018
- Google any three pop stars twitter addresses together in any order and I come up first. https://t.co/4BUm5m1ETe May 08, 2018
- i love you https://t.co/WUKGGB3v16 May 08, 2018
- Taylor Swift @taylorswift13 https://t.co/WXgikq14Uf May 08, 2018
- Jesus Chris has left a new comment on your post "44 days post a dirty harry post posted ten twenty-eight twelve at? https://t.co/KpjARMdoH7 May 08, 2018
- if you google your phone number in quotes no other business should result unless you are googling three or more pop? https://t.co/aU0GpMx4Pj May 08, 2018
- @Pontifex You know that's my crown. May 08, 2018
- @Pontifex Jesus birthday is the third day nine months after his birth because life begins at conception May 08, 2018
- @Pontifex Sometimes I call it the June 17 you know what I mean compartment complex break in watergate is watergate? https://t.co/LRgyIBlKTL May 08, 2018
- @Pontifex #Thecross is a four point proving I was tortured on purpose before I was shot in my injuries as soon as I? https://t.co/nmaWjkTQPM May 08, 2018
- Jesus Chris has left a new comment on your post "44 days post a dirty harry post" 44 days post a dirty harry pos? https://t.co/4lW95kPW7s May 08, 2018
- Okay, is this really fucking there or not? https://t.co/KQi199BVcM May 08, 2018
- for the pussy May 08, 2018
- If I write a book Donald Trump writes it first if it is good enough. May 08, 2018
- World wonder how many "users of electricity to communicate" have gone viral on how many different things how many d? https://t.co/7R0Aw47Hf9 May 08, 2018
- If you google any three popstar's twitter addresses together I result first May 08, 2018
- Two Witness' PMs John Key and Renzi of Italy and NZ resigning for me same day #Jorge. Two world leaders same day? https://t.co/VRNOhh9URv May 08, 2018
- first pope in six centuries two plus two and two times two months later two months two weeks and two days after fir? https://t.co/YTrbri44J6 May 08, 2018
- 44 days post a dirty harry post posted ten twenty-eight twelve at twelve twelve reply on twelve twelve twelve at te? https://t.co/O1iACX4wxC May 08, 2018
- (419) ink-pens "We can put any logo on any pen and put it anywhere in 24 hours." May 08, 2018
- g's us May 08, 2018
- I think they would allow me go back to having meth labs not to do this. May 08, 2018
- Why because you would really love to pay me minimum wage not to do this? May 08, 2018
- The difference it makes is at this point if Saul Revere sees a nuclear bomb detonation that knocks him on his ass a? https://t.co/UcMMbNACsv May 08, 2018
- North Scarecrow Area https://t.co/clsdeVaKoI May 07, 2018
- 44 days post a dirty harry post posted ten twenty-eight twelve at twelve twelve reply on twelve twelve twelve at te? https://t.co/E71T1DT8Qo May 07, 2018
- Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, pope? - Buscar con Google https://t.co/EGw27WJO4K May 07, 2018
- The Great Christchurch "two witnesses are prophets described in the New Testament Book of Revelation as part of a v? https://t.co/irB4pyOh0F May 07, 2018
- @HillaryClinton If you want to go ahead and tell me which of these are fake news it would be very beneficial to you? https://t.co/eIhOU2uDHt May 07, 2018
- If you want to go ahead and tell me which of these are fake news it would be very beneficial to your country. If yo? https://t.co/bm2GJTDwET May 07, 2018
- jesus christ that made the pope retire with a tweet on twitter - Google Search https://t.co/walYur4aLG May 06, 2018
- Nothing as noble as sending it to the other side of the world on an aluminum prop plane... REAL "NUCLEAR" WEAPONS A? https://t.co/5DIyNjD8Cg May 06, 2018
- "How dare you deny the cross is the four point resisting arrest is an impossibility from?" - Google Search https://t.co/NQMzdEAmQe May 06, 2018
- jesus christ who made the pope quit on twitter the "Biblical Prophet" - Google Search https://t.co/zY1g9G6LVO May 06, 2018
- jesus christ who made the pope quit on twitter the "Biblical Prophet" that made the pope retire predicting the cost? https://t.co/FLdqNOPeOT May 06, 2018
- ?look Hillary Clinton sent us pizza" - Google Search https://t.co/eJo8xFBaMr May 06, 2018
- @logoguys @embossables @Telegraph @TMZ @ABC @CBS @nbc @HBO @fox @MTV @upn @TBN @CNN @ArianaGrande @MileyCyrus? https://t.co/Uj2Wa9RhMK May 06, 2018
- @logoguys @embossables @Telegraph @TMZ @ABC @CBS @nbc @HBO @fox @MTV @upn @TBN @CNN @ArianaGrande @MileyCyrus? https://t.co/3lyY3vZCCd May 06, 2018
- RT @ophermi: @logoguys @embossables @Telegraph @TMZ @ABC @CBS @nbc @HBO @fox @MTV @upn @TBN @CNN @ArianaGrande @MileyCyrus @taylorswift13 @? May 06, 2018
- @logoguys @embossables @Telegraph @TMZ @ABC @CBS @nbc @HBO @fox @MTV @upn @TBN @CNN @ArianaGrande @MileyCyrus? https://t.co/xhE683lZjX May 06, 2018
- I was the most competence they have ever encountered. May 06, 2018
- Instead they just let @MichelleObama borrow my #webby to put next to the Novel Peace prize Obama got for torturing? https://t.co/FZ1RrXb2st May 06, 2018
- The Whitehouse knew for sure if the eleven thousand earthquakes that commenced in New Zealand on my birthday at 4:3? https://t.co/3MgKv8WMlL May 06, 2018
- I think if I was any less spammy they would have already killed me & or framed me for major crime. Nearly 100 peopl? https://t.co/JQ76QHbCfz May 06, 2018
- @logoguys @embossables @Telegraph @TMZ @ABC @CBS @nbc @HBO @fox @MTV @upn @TBN @CNN @ArianaGrande @MileyCyrus? https://t.co/R76En5o8VB May 06, 2018
- @logoguys @embossables @Telegraph @TMZ @ABC @CBS @nbc @HBO @fox @MTV @upn @TBN @CNN @ArianaGrande @MileyCyrus? https://t.co/bjqGUth88g May 06, 2018
- @logoguys @embossables @Telegraph @TMZ @ABC @CBS @nbc @HBO @fox @MTV @upn @TBN @CNN @ArianaGrande @MileyCyrus? https://t.co/HZzFxXcapq May 06, 2018
- @CoachRake Much worse than a bad attorney, you litigate for the defense... department. #competence May 06, 2018
- @coachrake I blatantly caught them all in that lie after you thought for months I was lying to you about the identi? https://t.co/ihQl3Y7a32 May 06, 2018
- @coachrake When I was tortured as a four pointed individual after I was handcuffed behind my back earlier inside th? https://t.co/3jKB43Drfn May 06, 2018
- @coachrake When I was tortured as a four pointed individual they were timing it with a clock. May 06, 2018
- Hillary Clinton's Campaign "Accidentally" Tweeted About Witness Tampering, Mesa Police Pizza Delivery and the tort? https://t.co/PZPI7KJCM9 May 06, 2018
- I think your biblical performance in Dumb and Dumber does command all oscar winners leave @JimCarrey their Academy? https://t.co/ZKPtCOnstK May 06, 2018
- @JunkScience @Cernovich @diana_west_ Is this fake news from the day the first pope in six centuries said he quit on? https://t.co/aJfDOuULyc May 06, 2018
- @logoguys @embossables @Telegraph @TMZ @ABC @CBS @nbc @HBO @fox @MTV @upn @TBN @CNN @ArianaGrande @MileyCyrus? https://t.co/y4NxgGKq6B May 06, 2018
- @logoguys @embossables @Telegraph @TMZ @ABC @CBS @nbc @HBO @fox @MTV @upn @TBN @CNN @ArianaGrande @MileyCyrus? https://t.co/42p1xesx91 May 06, 2018
- @logoguys @embossables @Telegraph @TMZ @ABC @CBS @nbc @HBO @fox @MTV @upn @TBN @CNN @ArianaGrande @MileyCyrus? https://t.co/4QeCbh4cyz May 06, 2018
- @logoguys @embossables @Telegraph @TMZ @ABC @CBS @nbc @HBO @fox @MTV @upn @TBN @CNN @ArianaGrande @MileyCyrus? https://t.co/EBO1jYDHvH May 06, 2018
- So what about the 6 million Jews who wouldn't fall for it? You going to have Hitler's best personal attorney repres? https://t.co/TSpEsOlt8r May 06, 2018
- Cops Torture A Four Pointed Man on 170 Degree Pavement His Skin Burned Off like mine when same day I was tortured w? https://t.co/LNOttsD98D May 06, 2018
- Weapons of Mass Media have been detected on the non-existent Google Wave. Do you remember #GoogleWave? It was disco? https://t.co/zoe40Fk0xg May 06, 2018
- If you are mad at me personally because of you not having an atomic bomb that is only because of one of two reasons? https://t.co/baadHLzazN May 06, 2018
- Police held him down on the hot pavement. He ended up in a burn unit, fighting for his life https://t.co/nZ4jL5Y9uZ? https://t.co/OkOxsYHLB8 May 06, 2018
- California Man Suffers Severe Burns After Being Held Down On Scorching Asphalt By Police - https://t.co/em10FiWlzd? https://t.co/kNSZy0ciWW May 06, 2018
- RT @ophermi: @logoguys @embossables @Telegraph @TMZ @ABC @CBS @nbc @HBO @fox @MTV @upn @TBN @CNN @ArianaGrande @MileyCyrus @taylorswift13 @? May 06, 2018
- RT @ophermi: @logoguys @ThePopeResign @embossables @Telegraph @TMZ @ABC @CBS @nbc @HBO @fox @MTV @upn @TBN @CNN @ArianaGrande @MileyCyrus @? May 06, 2018
- RT @ophermi: I have learned you don't actually get to say anything or do anything in the world. They kill you instead. Every time. No matte? May 06, 2018
- Your enemies know that you have no such thing as an atomic bomb and you don't. That's why they shoot people in publ? https://t.co/GUDmFI9lg4 May 06, 2018
- He should get 10x that. Bankrupt the city that supported the corrupt police force that allowed that to happen.? https://t.co/u7hdynqiFq May 06, 2018
- @Cynthia_Hubert @nytimes @HillaryClinton @MileyCyrus @CoachRake @MesaPD @NAACP @NAACP_LDF @DeptofDefense? https://t.co/5YEt18DrxX May 06, 2018
- at least r they didn't shoot him the usual go to default setting if you don't do what you are told by American cops? https://t.co/f9I0H9vIV3 May 06, 2018
- @Cynthia_Hubert @nytimes @HillaryClinton @MileyCyrus @CoachRake @ThePopeRetire Nelson, 28, whose mother said was di? https://t.co/z8zQEVU2bx May 06, 2018
- The guy was a scumbag up to no good but nobody deserves that, cops are heartless at times, arrest him by all...? https://t.co/78DOpZZaZV May 06, 2018
- @Cynthia_Hubert @nytimes @HillaryClinton @MileyCyrus @CoachRake @ThePopeRetire @coachrake HAVE YOU EVER REPRESENTED? https://t.co/nlgLHcxdG8 May 06, 2018
- @Cynthia_Hubert @nytimes @HillaryClinton @MileyCyrus @CoachRake @ThePopeRetire THIS IS A 4 POINTED INDIVIDUAL THIS? https://t.co/70DUrjZRW6 May 06, 2018
- This is horrible that happened to this man. When I was kid I cracked an egg on the pavement and it cooked it was...? https://t.co/Q62CZuSwfx May 06, 2018
- https://t.co/QkfTrOMich -on the record- I fired Comey at Maricopa County Superior Court Commissioner Keelan S. B? https://t.co/eU22QiSSNF May 06, 2018
- I call my two witness world leaders John Key and Renzi Italy & NZ both resigning for me same day. Did Washington ch? https://t.co/bjS2mLH0D2 May 06, 2018
- RT @ophermi: A live Buddy Holly alive Live at his age! https://t.co/bISxdJZU7c ? at Jimmy Kimmel Live! https://t.co/n1842T3mgj May 06, 2018
- @Cynthia_Hubert @nytimes @HillaryClinton @MileyCyrus @CoachRake @MesaPD @NAACP @NAACP_LDF @DeptofDefense? https://t.co/4iTb8JXLY5 May 06, 2018
- @Cynthia_Hubert @nytimes @HillaryClinton @MileyCyrus @CoachRake @MesaPD @NAACP @NAACP_LDF @DeptofDefense? https://t.co/8wUWViOWYb May 06, 2018
- @Cynthia_Hubert @nytimes @HillaryClinton @MileyCyrus @CoachRake @MesaPD @NAACP @NAACP_LDF @DeptofDefense? https://t.co/ax6NhDoqFN May 06, 2018
- @Cynthia_Hubert @nytimes @HillaryClinton @MileyCyrus @CoachRake @MesaPD @NAACP @NAACP_LDF @DeptofDefense? https://t.co/hyxuPJJbou May 06, 2018
- @Cynthia_Hubert @nytimes @HillaryClinton @MileyCyrus @CoachRake @MesaPD @NAACP @NAACP_LDF @DeptofDefense? https://t.co/AaUqAVIwKp May 06, 2018
- @Cynthia_Hubert @nytimes @HillaryClinton @MileyCyrus @CoachRake @MesaPD @NAACP @NAACP_LDF @DeptofDefense? https://t.co/9IErotO3Qe May 06, 2018
- @Cynthia_Hubert @nytimes @HillaryClinton @MileyCyrus @CoachRake @MesaPD @NAACP @NAACP_LDF @DeptofDefense I was tort? https://t.co/qpO5sw4YrY May 06, 2018
- @Cynthia_Hubert @nytimes @HillaryClinton @MileyCyrus @CoachRake @ThePopeRetire The formal resignation of the first? https://t.co/14Kq0oShrx May 06, 2018
- @Cynthia_Hubert @nytimes @HillaryClinton @MileyCyrus @CoachRake The Pope resigned for a tweet I published ten twen? https://t.co/JyVsSEQqCO May 06, 2018
- @Cynthia_Hubert @nytimes @HillaryClinton @MileyCyrus @CoachRake @MesaPD @NAACP @NAACP_LDF @DeptofDefense Prime Mini? https://t.co/Rt2YPijcPQ May 06, 2018
- @Cynthia_Hubert @nytimes @HillaryClinton @MileyCyrus @CoachRake @MesaPD @NAACP @NAACP_LDF @DeptofDefense Even thoug? https://t.co/lstyle="color: #2d76b9; text-decoration-line: none;" target="_blank">https://t.co/98S7FXAjDO May 02, 2018
- THE I TOLD PRIME MINISTER JOHN KEY TO RESIGN OR ELSE EARTHQUAKE RESIGNATION ? at Superior Court of Arizona in Maric? https://t.co/yyMYj3zwxu May 02, 2018
- North Scarecrow Area May 02, 2018
- The Scarecrowd May 02, 2018
- The Crowd May 02, 2018
- The Whitehouse is named the Whitehouse for the white picture it paints of the black comedy. May 02, 2018
- The 2016 I told Prime Minister John Key to resign or else earthquake was a magnitude 7.8 (Mw) earthquake in the Sou? https://t.co/8jnbzqqCmb May 01, 2018
- Did you announce publicly you are breaking up with your fake boyfriend for Chris Simpson yet? @taylorswift13 Apr 30, 2018
- @KaylaJardineV @AurorasBlog @HillaryClinton @MileyCyrus @nbc nah fu Apr 30, 2018
- @KaylaJardineV @AurorasBlog @HillaryClinton @MileyCyrus @nbc I understand you feeling the way you do as there was a? https://t.co/QuAtuiUrhR Apr 30, 2018
- @KaylaJardineV @AurorasBlog @HillaryClinton @MileyCyrus @nbc Not sorry for calling me a giant rat on national telev? https://t.co/wbsyIJvxSM Apr 30, 2018
- @HillaryClinton @POTUS44 Why did McVeigh murder people in Oklahoma? There must be some unjustifiable reasoning behi? https://t.co/wUykyYcoBE Apr 30, 2018
- @HillaryClinton @POTUS44 Think he standing where one went off or it would look like this? Don't forget the very, ve? https://t.co/w4zVeWzXx0 Apr 30, 2018
- @HillaryClinton Not telling the American public the atomic bomb is fake news is like purchasing a fake gun for your? https://t.co/FN42kE76ny Apr 30, 2018
- @HillaryClinton You remember when the two world leaders with the 2016 earthquake bar tabs in the billions of dollar? https://t.co/q0gaI3cSKx Apr 30, 2018
- This is the earthquake that the Prime Minister of Italy Matteo Renzi resigned with New Zealand's PM John Key for on? https://t.co/OFdW2mx4oY Apr 30, 2018
- 44 days post a dirty harry post posted ten twenty-eight twelve at twelve twelve reply on twelve twelve twelve at te? https://t.co/nuZFtpUpUu Apr 30, 2018
- @HillaryPix @HeatherSetzler @freeandclear1 @GregHale1 @HillaryClinton @GradyKeefe @joysecuban Which of these two "h? https://t.co/5e2GRYndKi Apr 30, 2018
- @Corinne4Hillary @GregHale1 @HillaryClinton @GradyKeefe @joysecuban Did you know that George Washington was shot fo? https://t.co/KeAHO7RnuI Apr 30, 2018
- @Corinne4Hillary @GregHale1 @HillaryClinton @GradyKeefe @joysecuban #metoo https://t.co/8O0qKWgDBb Apr 30, 2018
- @KaylaJardineV @AurorasBlog @HillaryClinton @MileyCyrus @nbc DID YOU HEAR ME? IN THIS CASE I WAS SHOT IN MY INJURIE? https://t.co/Qcz4Sd0FVY Apr 30, 2018
- @KaylaJardineV @AurorasBlog @HillaryClinton Staging a pizza rat viral video to get away with it... priceless.? https://t.co/svfwfwmfmM Apr 30, 2018
- @KaylaJardineV @AurorasBlog @HillaryClinton Like I said, being called a rat on the season premier of #SNL after you? https://t.co/05seUiZkFH Apr 30, 2018
- @KaylaJardineV @AurorasBlog @HillaryClinton When you are about to testify against the police the person you sent th? https://t.co/VM7rzI0XDJ Apr 30, 2018
- @KaylaJardineV @AurorasBlog @HillaryClinton Don't you need these as well for the CBS Radio in NY piece bart ender? https://t.co/vk9bXF6EeZ Apr 30, 2018
- @AurorasBlog @HillaryClinton Who stole the eleven days from September in 1752 was it you? Apr 30, 2018
- 44 days post dirty harry post posted ten twenty-eight twelve at twelve twelve reply on twelve twelve twelve at ten? https://t.co/WYqNTGULjR Apr 30, 2018
- 44 days post dirty harry post posted ten twenty-eight twelve at twelve twelve reply on... https://t.co/Z981OTwUxs Apr 30, 2018
- RT @GradyKeefe: When @HillaryClinton sends you pizza... https://t.co/RJdXSR5Pan Apr 30, 2018
- @HillaryClinton If you believe this destroyed the jap city then you are just a fukking moron. Get real you torturou? https://t.co/IKgHXGgHqX Apr 30, 2018
- @AurorasBlog @HillaryClinton This is how the "pizza" is delivered from the bart ender https://t.co/p3qjmOpMZw Apr 30, 2018
- https://t.co/wQDK9tLGph Apr 30, 2018
- @POTUS44 State Sponsors of "Accidental" Torture is a designation to countries which have "repeatedly provided suppo? https://t.co/6Z0D2FGHBy Apr 30, 2018
- @POTUS44 Oh yeah, what if Pontius Pen never washes his hands? Apr 30, 2018
- @POTUS44 Did you figure it out on your own like me or did they tell you because they assumed I had figured it out? Apr 30, 2018
- @POTUS44 The Treaty on the Non-Belief of Nuclear Weapons, commonly known as the Non-Belief Treaty NBT is an interna? https://t.co/mRvsflxahO Apr 30, 2018
- @POTUS44 You know why I think Israel has never confirmed or denied having the atomic bomb? Because it doesn't exist. Apr 30, 2018
- @POTUS44 I think the regime's ability to convince their people they have the hydrogen bomb was given to north scare? https://t.co/rbKHBtKzGB Apr 30, 2018
- So now there is one Korea. Apr 30, 2018
- They simply settled my case without my permission while they had me locked up without criminal charges for a lousy? https://t.co/EC7mBGscvr Apr 30, 2018
- #BTW I have not had a felony in over 18 years and the only misdemenor I have been convicted of is for saying, I mad? https://t.co/WlnzgP4H9H Apr 30, 2018
- I am the only person that can be the next president. Ask @HillaryClinton #twentytwenty Apr 30, 2018
- oh wait i didnt get a trial did i? Apr 30, 2018
- I sure am glad I figured out atomic bombs were as fake as my trial and representation. Apr 30, 2018
- @tariqnasheed They will even have famous people that you have sent pictures of your injuries to sing to a giant rat? https://t.co/u5xNWR7Ekc Apr 30, 2018
- @tariqnasheed If you try to testify against the police involved in the "pizza delivery" assault to the four pointed? https://t.co/aeQcTt3mbV Apr 30, 2018
- @rhrican @tariqnasheed @CoachRake It is a covert tactic some police officers in the Southwestern United States actu? https://t.co/wHfg2aF6ib Apr 30, 2018
- @rhrican @tariqnasheed They don't actually hold the four pointed individual down as much as they position their fou? https://t.co/qvn4X5ZIFB Apr 30, 2018
- @tariqnasheed Auburn Avenue huh? KFC huh? Apr 30, 2018
- @tariqnasheed Police did not hold him down on the hot pavement. They tortured a four pointed person in their custod? https://t.co/l1eooYiggT Apr 30, 2018
- @Reclusecatlady @tariqnasheed Injuries that can only be sustained by a very secure individual in a "4 point". IF TH? https://t.co/921AAPcr3a Apr 30, 2018
- Third Degree Burns For Four Pointed Man Police Tortured On Purpose Suspect Smashed To That Sizzle With Four Hundred? https://t.co/K6HHobjHza Apr 30, 2018
- @Reclusecatlady @tariqnasheed How dare you? Paranoid? Schizophrenic? FU. This is A FOUR POINTED individual that wa? https://t.co/maWNtEazrg Apr 30, 2018
- There is the matter of those six million Jews who would not fall for it. Apr 30, 2018
- Nothing as admirable as dropping the hail mary touchdown pass from the aluminum prop plane real "nuclear" weapons? https://t.co/3s9jpVbtIt Apr 30, 2018
- We went to war to kill people that did not believe in the atomic bomb again. I think as human beings we could not? https://t.co/imR6cAf3a2 Apr 30, 2018
- I think as human beings we could not fully exterminate figured out that the atomic bomb was "fake news" we just ent? https://t.co/ZlLZfXLIyn Apr 30, 2018
- @POTUS44 @BarackObama https://t.co/lqxXKZnuo8 Apr 30, 2018
- 44 days post my post posted ten twenty-eight twelve at twelve twelve papal reply on twelve twelve twelve at ten t? https://t.co/luwNMEhL2x Apr 30, 2018
- 44 days post my post posted ten twenty-eight twelve at twelve twelve papal reply on twelve twelve twelve at ten t? https://t.co/XyDZ9BAOCV Apr 30, 2018
- 44 days post my post posted ten twenty-eight twelve at twelve twelve papal reply on twelve twelve twelve at ten t? https://t.co/eM78bRbAnS Apr 29, 2018
- 44 days post my post posted ten twenty-eight twelve at twelve twelve papal reply on twelve twelve twelve at ten t? https://t.co/BCyRr6IZCD Apr 29, 2018
- 44 days post my post posted ten twenty-eight twelve at twelve twelve papal reply on twelve twelve twelve at ten t? https://t.co/jJJuf1R3Qm Apr 29, 2018
- Pope Benedict XVI opens Twitter account, has thousands of followers without a tweet https://t.co/08T2qJOaCT 44 days? https://t.co/i6wfyKxru4 Apr 29, 2018
- 44 days post my post posted ten twenty-eight twelve at twelve twelve papal reply on twelve twelve twelve at ten t? https://t.co/4xiDmMHad8 Apr 29, 2018
- 44 days post my post posted ten twenty-eight twelve at twelve twelve papal reply on... https://t.co/r2phx5Xpwy Apr 29, 2018
- 44 days post my post posted ten twenty-eight twelve at twelve twelve papal reply on twelve twelve twelve at ten t? https://t.co/5OQDqscAFy Apr 29, 2018
- 44 days post my post posted ten twenty-eight twelve at twelve twelve papal reply on twelve twelve twelve at ten t? https://t.co/dvrxRUMXLv Apr 29, 2018
- @POTUS44 @BarackObama "I'm talkin' 'bout my brand and you talkin' 'bout your brands The difference is a lot of MMMM? https://t.co/30G3iziGzH Apr 29, 2018
- @POTUS44 If you do not tell the American public RIGHT NOW that the atomic bomb is fake news (the inevitable fact th? https://t.co/yCiUbTLO8a Apr 29, 2018
- Must I put "atomic bomb" in quotes for a correct answer? Apr 29, 2018
- @POTUS44 You know the answer. Answer it. When Russia acquired the atomic bomb did they acquire it to use on the US? https://t.co/gg2Zj7p8tW Apr 29, 2018
- @SURFSlab @rfarinox Although I have never seen any wave pass any other wave up they do say that there is one that g? https://t.co/U1OgAW1sWd Apr 29, 2018
- There comes a time when boogymen get old, when the birds perch on the scarecrow and when the children realize their? https://t.co/HtpFdytpL8 Apr 29, 2018
- @katyperry @Pontifex @meditationbob wig Apr 29, 2018
- @katyperry @Pontifex @meditationbob The cross is simply a four point where resisting is an impossibility and my inj? https://t.co/7jjCwF2hH4 Apr 29, 2018
- @katyperry @Pontifex @meditationbob The formal resignation on 28 February 2013 at 20:00 (8:00 pm) CET (19:00 UTC) i? https://t.co/OjS5VevnGa Apr 29, 2018
- @katyperry @Pontifex @meditationbob "Well, Do Ya, Pope?" https://t.co/CeJ0IYGZx0 The formal resignation of Pope Be? https://t.co/T3fd0nSfmZ Apr 29, 2018
- @katyperry @Pontifex @meditationbob 44 days post dirty harry post posted ten twenty-eight twelve at twelve twelve r? https://t.co/r55usAJkrj Apr 29, 2018
- @katyperry @Pontifex @meditationbob https://t.co/uVkDvJlwJT Apr 29, 2018
- @katyperry @Pontifex @meditationbob https://t.co/CUTN7aNejJ Apr 29, 2018
- @katyperry @Pontifex @meditationbob Can anyone figure out which of these two pictures aired on FOX 10 the day the f? https://t.co/Jf6EdIwKsU Apr 29, 2018
- @katyperry @Pontifex @meditationbob How about these two? Which picture aired on FOX the day the first Pope in six h? https://t.co/f1FujJC73y Apr 29, 2018
- @katyperry @Pontifex @meditationbob So which one of these pictures aired on FOX February 11, 2013 the day the first? https://t.co/EXkARYtPNC Apr 29, 2018
- 44 days post my dirty harry post posted ten twenty-eight twelve at twelve twelve reply on twelve twelve twelve at t? https://t.co/3C6HLqtUpd Apr 29, 2018
- I was not signing bibles all day. Apr 29, 2018
- @logoguys @embossables @Telegraph @TMZ @ABC @CBS @nbc @HBO @fox @MTV @upn @TBN @CNN @ArianaGrande @MileyCyrus? https://t.co/dMZMKS1MK6 Apr 28, 2018
- https://t.co/CeJ0IYGZx0 The formal resignation of Pope Benedict XVI came exactly 2 months 2 weeks and 2 days after? https://t.co/lb9f5wUA6N Apr 28, 2018
- At The Stroke of Midnight in Phoenix, AZ - The resignation was first announced the day I aired on FOX? https://t.co/rtfyPZHsWm Apr 28, 2018
- https://t.co/CeJ0IYGZx0 The formal resignation of Pope Benedict XVI came exactly 2 months 2 weeks and 2 days after? https://t.co/vd5pdfiEQy Apr 28, 2018
- https://t.co/JWf0AA9cKF Apr 28, 2018
- https://t.co/YWClZj7HpX Apr 28, 2018
- https://t.co/2mr5p4RICn Apr 28, 2018
- https://t.co/0iFqWC9Ie9 Apr 28, 2018
- https://t.co/48YYISlvGF Apr 28, 2018
- https://t.co/6Vot5I8GRg Apr 28, 2018
- https://t.co/UkaP79x70R Apr 28, 2018
- https://t.co/KNw0M40AR2 Apr 28, 2018
- https://t.co/yB97p4dnBl Apr 28, 2018
- https://t.co/bT42twtsQK Apr 28, 2018
- https://t.co/Cjpx1Evqx5 Apr 28, 2018
- https://t.co/iR4TQVv5uK Apr 28, 2018
- https://t.co/ujwcwb0xlJ Apr 28, 2018
- I take the atomic bomb away and you still want to fuck with me? Ok I took the asteroids too. Next your social secur? https://t.co/iHSbXKSHHr Apr 28, 2018
- 7 burns and an Innertube https://t.co/0WLYJ20wgx Apr 28, 2018
- A little too strong? https://t.co/ZOndajg9DU Apr 28, 2018
- https://t.co/p1rGoSrsvp https://t.co/HuAxuK9lpg https://t.co/exXBULR7ui https://t.co/5QfyZNbpY3? https://t.co/fhuJpCbVTk Apr 28, 2018
- @JohnHookFOX10 John, do you deny that this picture aired on FOX 10 February 11, 2013 the same day the #first pope i? https://t.co/Vl3SGmdqdH Apr 28, 2018
- ARYEH SCHWARTZ Case No. PB2014-002866 - Buscar con Google https://t.co/6DBepatOMA Apr 28, 2018
- jesus christ the "biblical prophet" with the social security number six hundred and sixty-six who made the pope ret? https://t.co/0oE3N5rFjp Apr 28, 2018
- Some Of Christopher Michael Simpson's Online Bookmarks "The Pope Retire" https://t.co/RWfQnrKNZ8 Apr 28, 2018
- No bodies found in Christchurch cathedral wreckage, rescuers say https://t.co/2ypX4pRfmm Apr 28, 2018
- Second Irish man confirmed to have died in New Zealand earthquake https://t.co/4cYet0S1KM Apr 28, 2018
- https://t.co/oz3e4JhJkp https://t.co/oz3e4JhJkp Apr 28, 2018
- https://t.co/ySfWgQetVD https://t.co/ySfWgQetVD Apr 28, 2018
- https://t.co/QwWlciEA76 https://t.co/QwWlciEA76 Apr 28, 2018
- https://t.co/FSM0jY4995 https://t.co/FSM0jY4995 Apr 28, 2018
- https://t.co/Bmnrb11aLK https://t.co/Bmnrb11aLK Apr 28, 2018
- https://t.co/chJh1lqbVB https://t.co/chJh1lqbVB Apr 28, 2018
- https://t.co/uqfJYIFvZP https://t.co/uqfJYIFvZP Apr 28, 2018
- https://t.co/HkWi94tcen https://t.co/HkWi94tcen Apr 28, 2018
- Did you watch me correctly forecast the single #costliest day ever in insurance history the forty billion dollar pa? https://t.co/Qa8BExr8me Apr 28, 2018
- @rushlogo @Madonna @JLo @Pink @xtina @Beyonce @NICKIMINAJ @ArianaGrande @taylorswift13 @MileyCyrus @katyperry For the pussy. Apr 28, 2018
- @googolbeast @MileyCyrus @NICKIMINAJ @xtina @taylorswift13 @ArianaGrande @Pink @rihanna @JLo @Beyonce @Madonna The? https://t.co/bLPJJX2W0a Apr 28, 2018
- @vp @usgs - Google Search https://t.co/uXOgoOjflo Apr 27, 2018
- "How dare you deny the cross is the four point resisting arrest is an impossibility from?" - Google Search https://t.co/NQMzdEAmQe Apr 27, 2018
- I correctly predicted an earthquake in great detail and by epicenter forcing the resignation of Prime Minister Davi? https://t.co/Q1FYzpelz7 Apr 27, 2018
- @katyperry @cynthialovely Do you believe in the atomic bomb or me? Apr 27, 2018
- I FIRED COMEY at Maricopa County Superior Court Commissioner Keelan S. Bodow "IT IS ESSENTIAL YOU ASK GOOGLE WHO MA? https://t.co/0hfr7fzvQD Apr 27, 2018
- https://t.co/z3EwSClMnk https://t.co/nRY0OPut1t... https://t.co/UxcCw01lHa Apr 27, 2018
- in a brooklyn basement... #stuff https://t.co/TRcqJIgFD7 Apr 27, 2018
- I predicted these fatalities in great detail and by epicenter electronically repeatedly or not I still made the pop? https://t.co/1osHKs9yDS Apr 27, 2018
- What happened? https://t.co/ubIDLfI3uv Apr 27, 2018
- Quake victim's arms were pinned https://t.co/y58rDsZIef Apr 27, 2018
- Last quake victims declared dead https://t.co/Daof1n3Blv Apr 27, 2018
- 44 days post posted ten twenty-eight twelve at twelve twelve reply on twelve twelve twelve at ten twenty-eight then? https://t.co/yTIPVpAorT Apr 27, 2018
- @Jesus_M_Christ What if Pontius Pen just doesn't wash his hands? https://t.co/ZVwXhJ73qQ Apr 26, 2018
- North Korea got the H Bomb on my birthday in my opinion. Apr 26, 2018
- I publicly learned that the atomic bomb was fake while predicting earthquakes correctly long after I was and why I? https://t.co/G5b1frXfah Apr 26, 2018
- Now under China right here we have another outbreak of people that don't believe in the atomic bomb. #scarecrowrea https://t.co/BeAHMhki2P Apr 26, 2018
- @carter_AB @GG_DoubleG @Robot_Logic @Jesus_M_Christ they might just listen electronically Apr 26, 2018
- I am only Terry Richardson because it's who the guy that took our atomic bombs away wanted to be before we made him? https://t.co/ktCOykR6ss Apr 26, 2018
- Muslims only want to cut my head off if the atomic bomb is real. https://t.co/AIPu0qIjqA Apr 26, 2018
- You not telling the American public now that the atom bomb is fake is no different than buying a fake handgun for y? https://t.co/KKhnoYFtep Apr 26, 2018
- Who made The Pope retire? - Yahoo Image Search Results https://t.co/moUFdvi5uZ Apr 26, 2018
- BIBLICAL PROPHET JESUS CHRIST MADE THE POPE RETIRE - Google Search https://t.co/Pb2pVtc929 Apr 26, 2018
- 2 World Leaders Same Day https://t.co/0ZY1YxrnHB Apr 26, 2018
- Who is the Christ with the social security number six hundred and sixty-six that made the pope quit on twitter and? https://t.co/4ke82Cv0F0 Apr 26, 2018
- Who is the Christ with the social security number six hundred and sixty-six that made the pope quit on twitter and? https://t.co/U2S4UYluyh Apr 26, 2018
- @sternshow @normmacdonald @HowardStern https://t.co/5EHoDJscfp https://t.co/Fhnoq6WAir https://t.co/z08tMviCui Apr 26, 2018
- My Social Security Number is Six Hundred and Sixty-Six. The number of the beast is Nineteen Eighty-Four. https://t.co/m4baEvIUpg Apr 26, 2018
- "well, do ya, pope" - Google Search https://t.co/zzQR9GEvVK Apr 26, 2018
- What if Pontius Pen never washes his hands? Apr 26, 2018
- christ ophermi is the "Biblical Prophet" that made the pope retire with a tweet on twitter - Google Search https://t.co/OfMGp7CMyz Apr 26, 2018
- christ ophermi is the "Biblical Prophet" that made the pope retire with a tweet on twitter - Bing https://t.co/Elu2lFbasU Apr 26, 2018
- @neiltyson U Not telling American public right now that the atomic bomb is fake is like purchasing a fake gun for? https://t.co/fdXqzwUibV Apr 25, 2018
- "quoting dirty harry" - Google Search https://t.co/2XMHaXRD0y Apr 25, 2018
- 2:46:24 pm epicenter time 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene Revelation 11 March 11, 2011 https://t.co/PVRlnpOkzn Apr 25, 2018
- Who made the pope retire on twitter? - Yahoo Search Results https://t.co/yszTUEXJ2W Apr 25, 2018
- The Great "Bitch tell where you are punk. Where are you dude? It wouldn?t happen to be New Zealand would it?" Chris? https://t.co/aof6usW6Dy Apr 25, 2018
- Quote Published about 22 days before the 2/22 Tuesday in 2011 FIRST EVER CHRISTCHURCH, NZ EQ FATALITIES that Washin? https://t.co/rkZmxYOz48 Apr 25, 2018
- The Great "provide lat/long, epicenter time in NZDT, magnitude, depth. All this should be within your ?power'" Chri? https://t.co/3XtxVSGmPY Apr 25, 2018
- The Great "Hmm?still not very specific. Is that me personally, or ?you? as in the ?royal you? of all us faggot ass? https://t.co/RUwAr92Kxz Apr 25, 2018
- The Great "deaf, dumb, blind piece of shit. Have a fucking ear? or hold on tight?" Christchurch Earthquake - Google? https://t.co/g69DnaZ01z Apr 25, 2018
- The Great "demonstrates your mental state" Christchurch Earthquake - Google Search https://t.co/GgNcVFanos Apr 25, 2018
- The Great "Otherwise I fail to see the point in you claiming that there was an earthquake" Christchurch Earthquake? https://t.co/XmWuEAZK9e Apr 25, 2018
- The Great "So are you claiming responsibility for the earthquake" Christchurch Earthquake The Great "Did you create? https://t.co/1MR0DGUWBR Apr 25, 2018
- The Great "You are a bit of a failure as a prophet of doom, evangalist for Tesla, and general all-around bringer of? https://t.co/eKPzwKuafc Apr 25, 2018
- The Great "didnt? feel them" Christchurch Earthquake - Google Search https://t.co/GIaq0fxEhP Apr 25, 2018
- The Great "couple of hundred miles from me sorry" Christchurch Earthquake - Google Search https://t.co/2jBcMfrYgN Apr 25, 2018
- The Great "And I didnt? feel it, so no, you didn?t shake me at all sorry dude" Christchurch Earthquake - Google Sea? https://t.co/8M4JyBZnd7 Apr 25, 2018
- DID PM RESIGN? https://t.co/aOA101aWuq Apr 25, 2018
- The Great "hardly ?right after?" Christchurch Earthquake The Great "no reports of damage" Christchurch Earthquake -? https://t.co/LhVicsMEwF Apr 25, 2018
- The Great "you made a point of telling us to note the date and time of the post" Christchurch Earthquake - Google S? https://t.co/abEZV2VDuw Apr 25, 2018
- The Great "that?d be proof positive of your claims and you could be seen as the genius you obviously think you are"? https://t.co/lAgKYZ1Pv8 Apr 25, 2018
- The Great "Why don?t you tell us exactly where and when and how big the next one will be" Christchurch Earthquake -? https://t.co/I2QfTstUzO Apr 25, 2018
- The Great "Your ?predictions? are right up there with ?it?s going to rain today? Christchurch Earthquake - Google S? https://t.co/WrpsImRo8y Apr 25, 2018
- The Great "you think you ar responsible" Christchurch Earthquake - Google Search https://t.co/6eCddis095 Apr 25, 2018
- The Great "Except perhaps that I didnt? actually feel the last one ?cos I was fast asleep at the time?..dang it!" C? https://t.co/HeNpOtz9FT Apr 25, 2018
- The Great "No shaking where i live" Christchurch Earthquake - Google Search https://t.co/H5pjf0Ajwh https://t.co/4cH0woHdHt Apr 20, 2018
- I was the only person alive who knows why the novel is called Nineteen Eighty-Four until today. Apr 20, 2018
- We will be moving in a different direction on defense immediately. Apr 20, 2018
- This has been evident to me for a while now that I am the only American with the #competence required to spend on n? https://t.co/r0Jp8zvLz1 Apr 20, 2018
- It is not in the interest of the United States of America for anyone other than Christopher Michael Simpson to spen? https://t.co/hHgzXBvYBC Apr 20, 2018
- You can spend thirty trillion tax dollars on total bullshit... just don't burn chris simpson. @librarycongress @ObamaWhiteHouse @Congress Apr 20, 2018
- This story is fake. It was based on my lawsuit and released when we were scheduled to go to trial. This occurred wh? https://t.co/qn10NqmxM9 Apr 20, 2018
- @BarackObama @POTUS44 You can spend thirty trillion tax dollars on bullshit just don't burn chris simpson. #obama #clinton Apr 20, 2018
- @TaylorSwift13 https://t.co/ApsJt0CyG5 Apr 20, 2018
- WHAT IS THE WORD OF GOD? _ _ _ _ Apr 20, 2018
- Considered both insult and compliment, noun & verb For the word of God is living, and active, and sharper than any? https://t.co/sqG9LBykyc Apr 20, 2018
- Hint: The word of God only became flesh when the letter "r" was added to it. Apr 20, 2018
- WHAT IS THE FOUR LETTER WORD OF GOD? or the reckoning of God is living, and working, and sharp above every two-ed? https://t.co/xogP5ONdea Apr 20, 2018
- CAN YOU GUESS THE FOUR LETTER WORD OF GOD? For the word of God is living and active, and sharper than any two-ed? https://t.co/YV0jovi94Y Apr 20, 2018
- DO YOU KNOW THE WORD OF GOD? (Hint: not written in the bible) For the word of God is living and active. Sharper t? https://t.co/b7I6KaMYwu Apr 20, 2018
- DO YOU KNOW THE WORD OF GOD? For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing? https://t.co/lCb7LCT1Tb Apr 20, 2018
- DO YOU KNOW THE WORD OF GOD? (Hint: it has four letters) For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper? https://t.co/WSIinuswGA Apr 20, 2018
- What is the word of God? For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetra? https://t.co/l0RSwAbp52 Apr 20, 2018
- You probably need a hint because the word of God is not in the Holy Bible. The word of God has 4 letters. Apr 20, 2018
- "For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul? https://t.co/WTaGMK9N4K Apr 20, 2018
- @Pontifex fruition is fruition it will never be false Apr 20, 2018
- @Pontifex Must Magi circumnavigate "globe" to return home a different way? Apr 20, 2018
- @Pontifex Holy is hole dug with an atomic bomb or not. Example: The two deep water harbors through the mountain sha? https://t.co/NDe9XvZpww Apr 20, 2018
- @Pontifex Buddy Holly at his age! https://t.co/bISxdJZU7c #buddyholly https://t.co/WLNkWNEkQL Apr 20, 2018
- The Pope?s first Tweets on 12-12-12 commencing at 10:28 was reply 44 days post the 10/28/12 at 12:12 post quoting d? https://t.co/cX2lyK8Jtu Apr 20, 2018
- @britneyspears it once was impossible for Jesus to go a day without laying his hands on you Apr 20, 2018
- @POTUS44 @BarackObama Ask not what you can do to your country but what your country can do to you. Apr 20, 2018
- #Verify this lawsuit is real for me as if your career depends on it @CoachRake 4 Pointed Man burned. Nobody burn th? https://t.co/0VVlfahfcD Apr 19, 2018
- My stuff is everywhere on the LAN Apr 18, 2018
- Clint Eastwood. Apr 18, 2018
- @HillaryClinton You know why the Clintons are called the Clintons? Apr 18, 2018
- Four Pointed Man with "mental illness" and what $26M lawsuit? https://t.co/pw6PU0jihb My attorney's employment is v? https://t.co/J9l2DNbVgh Apr 18, 2018
- This wasn't Mesa just Fake Law Group's interests. https://t.co/KjKABEoN1d Apr 18, 2018
- You can spend billions of our national defense every year on total bullshit just don't burn Chris Simpson #competence Apr 18, 2018
- @JeffFlake Four Pointed Man burned on pavement: 'Nobody's supposed to burn the four pointed individuals with third? https://t.co/Oa5Repxmrg Apr 18, 2018
- @googolbeast @SenSchumer @RepAdamSchiff @SenateMajLdr Beez in the Trap Four Pointed Man burned on pavement: 'Nobody? https://t.co/1aFHlf5MHX Apr 18, 2018
- I made Matteo Renzi resign. I also made John Key resign. The same day. Do you know what they have in common for morons like yourselves? Apr 18, 2018
- I made David Cameron resign Apr 18, 2018
- You can spend billions of our national defense dollars every year on bullshit just don't burn Chris Simpson? https://t.co/2RoULDto2y Apr 18, 2018
- You can spend billions of our national defense dollars every year on bullshit just don't burn Chris Simpson? https://t.co/THrFQnrQYw Apr 18, 2018
- @SenatorBarb @SenJohnBarrasso @SenWarren @SenSanders @SenBlumenthal @SenSchumer @SenJohnMcCain @SenGillibrand? https://t.co/VXVsmvzeYq Apr 18, 2018
- Everyone is guaranteed free speech until they say something good or bad enough Apr 18, 2018
- Freedom of speech is one thing somebody hearing you is another Apr 18, 2018
- Beware idols. https://t.co/e8QGBMPHZk Apr 18, 2018
- Meet Photographer Terry Richardson? The Sexual Predator That Celebrities Love Working With https://t.co/CDt0aNmiqT Apr 18, 2018
- If you google the twitter addresses of any four pop stars together I result first https://t.co/ziSy4C95MA Apr 18, 2018
- James Comey: Ultimate Frisbee Player https://t.co/H5SM2PeJVg Apr 17, 2018
- CChristchurch, New Zealand "Non Nuclear For A Reason!" We're not just a couple CCrooks! Apr 17, 2018
- https://t.co/QMZBgmZTFh Apr 17, 2018
- 2 world leaders same day two world leaders resigned for me the same day Jorge do you know what Matteo Renzi Prime M? https://t.co/SPNZhCFErN Apr 17, 2018
- https://t.co/ou0yGOGo32 Apr 17, 2018
- https://t.co/NurhGZc4C5 Apr 17, 2018
- https://t.co/5jR2VEIWdH Apr 17, 2018
- https://t.co/UJ1FDBrkrg Apr 17, 2018
- I made the pope resign with a tweet on twitter published ten twenty-eight twelve at twelve twelve @pontifex #1st t? https://t.co/xnw803a2tH Apr 17, 2018
- https://t.co/h1cgDCG59K Apr 17, 2018
- https://t.co/gTgz93vl63 Apr 17, 2018
- https://t.co/QxFZwgFFoo Apr 17, 2018
- https://t.co/MoBF4hg3ZD Apr 17, 2018
- https://t.co/hhEdzvsA8t Apr 17, 2018
- CChristchurch, New Zealand A Once Planned Earthquake Community For CCrooks From All Walks https://t.co/ulq7RLWYI5 Apr 17, 2018
- https://t.co/nqlvIqjv5F Apr 17, 2018
- https://t.co/vNu3vlfur5 Apr 17, 2018
- This could be a Goldwater mud puddle. https://t.co/WweHg8ltal Apr 17, 2018
- THIS IS THE WATERGATE NIXON RESIGNED FOR CHRIST #costliest #CChristchurch #CCrooks https://t.co/EuZp3HCS7M Apr 17, 2018
- https://t.co/Ewa36EPWvT Apr 17, 2018
- https://t.co/jFSsdAEzD8 Apr 17, 2018
- https://t.co/OLnnNm6vN7 Apr 17, 2018
- https://t.co/MfIk1T2mir Apr 17, 2018
- https://t.co/54vVkewU8V Apr 17, 2018
- https://t.co/F8h1equoKI Apr 17, 2018
- https://t.co/ThGoBhIn2F Apr 17, 2018
- @coachrake @SnoopDogg @shugairi @agnezmo @ParisHilton @KDTrey5 @AlArabiya_Brk @JimCarrey @3gerardpique @xtina? https://t.co/8V7ZW90NJz Apr 17, 2018
- https://t.co/OLzM0XenAB https://t.co/OLzM0XenAB Apr 17, 2018
- jesus christ that made the pope retire - Yahoo Search Results https://t.co/MV9a6K2J5r Apr 17, 2018
- jesus christ who made the pope retire - Bing https://t.co/KVkmZQgkA7 Apr 17, 2018
- https://t.co/yhVekMih6c Apr 17, 2018
- https://t.co/J4hj1RQEFG Apr 17, 2018
- https://t.co/1mSdrMbKnK https://t.co/60T7tSTlkK Apr 17, 2018
- THE BENIGNO CRIME FAMILY https://t.co/LnK4SQXkNS #TrapStar https://t.co/37Q9NYfUWg https://t.co/RV4hYmiIux Apr 17, 2018
- THE BENIGNO CRIME FAMILY "More than a #fakenews TrapStar" https://t.co/nZ4jL5Y9uZ "If this fake news story re? https://t.co/9bqa4W8eXE Apr 17, 2018
- THE BENIGNO CRIME FAMILY CCrook CCunts https://t.co/nZ4jL5GyDr Apr 17, 2018
- #TrapStar https://t.co/NE5eqahwzX Apr 17, 2018
- #TrapStar This trap star is not me because he is on grass and without 400lbs of cop on his shoulders. https://t.co/66W4mAQSWQ Apr 17, 2018
- #TrapStar This trap star is not me because he is on the grass and without 400lbs of government on his shoulders. https://t.co/UdEWQkbwqi Apr 17, 2018
- #trapstar This trap star is not me because he is on grass with no four hundred pounds of cops on his back. https://t.co/UdEWQjTVyK Apr 17, 2018
- Nicki Minaj invented the modern use of the term "trap". @NICKIMINAJ Apr 17, 2018
- "biblical prophet says"HEY CHRISTCHURCH TESLA MADE EARTHQUAKES DO YOU FUCKING FEEL ME - Google Search https://t.co/slBPqnmNR2 Apr 16, 2018
- "biblical prophet says" i predict the chch earthquake Christchurch - Google Search https://t.co/Zw6lgMmti8 Apr 16, 2018
- "biblical prophet says" CHRISTCHURCH EARTHQUAKE CLAIM YOUR COUNTRY TWO NEW ZEALAND - Google Search https://t.co/B570t0Jbwv Apr 16, 2018
- "biblical prophet says" CHRISTCHURCH EARTHQUAKE DOUCHEBAG - Google Search https://t.co/cd012N6WHM Apr 16, 2018
- "biblical prophet says" Christchurch Earthquake dare me to do it again - Google Search https://t.co/ejpybpqDMx Apr 16, 2018
- Biblical Prophet says a June 15 1896 Japan Tsunami with 27,000 dirty jap celebrating Shinto - Google Search https://t.co/jS8RZEx9Cn Apr 16, 2018
- "biblical prophet says" a divisible by 3 times 3 June 15 1896 Japan earthquake tsunami hitting the sanriku coast of? https://t.co/eVZhp298bR Apr 16, 2018
- The "Don't Vote Trent Franks" Japan Tsunami - Google Search https://t.co/DVFMu4MzkG Apr 16, 2018
- These are all quotes I published before the forty billion dollar day https://t.co/pGLCutxw0v Apr 16, 2018
- You can stake our entire national defense on bullshit just don't burn chris simpson. #costliest Apr 16, 2018
- Do you understand this means I'll tell you when someone is hurt by a daytime shooting star from now on NASA? https://t.co/AgbXA2DYqr Apr 16, 2018
- Do you understand this moron? https://t.co/6QbqBj3EW1 Apr 16, 2018
- #CChristchurch - Google Search https://t.co/BlLxQVSKWo Apr 16, 2018
- 2 22 on tues 2 weeks 2 days before tsunami tohoku too - Google Search https://t.co/uZMXRrb3N3 Apr 16, 2018
- A live Buddy Holly at his Age! https://t.co/bISxdJZU7c https://t.co/spqqi08sS1+ Apr 16, 2018
- jesus christ that made the pope retire with a golden sash - Bing https://t.co/WIFNZ8zsvO+ Apr 16, 2018
- biblical prophet jesus christ who made the pope retire online quoting dirty harry - Bing https://t.co/WGF1NV9yhK+ Apr 16, 2018
- biblical prophet jesus christ who made the pope retire predicting a great earthquake douchebag - Yahoo Search Resul? https://t.co/TR97kkUo1s Apr 16, 2018
- https://t.co/Z3ldfCKlom https://t.co/walYur4aLG Apr 16, 2018
- jesus christ that made the pope retire with a tweet on twitter - Google Search https://t.co/pJyVH7swSq Apr 16, 2018
- jesus christ that made the pope retire with a tweet on twitter @wit wiki - Google Search https://t.co/hCgzBZZit9 Apr 16, 2018
- jesus who made the pope retire - Bing https://t.co/x2nFreeBez Apr 16, 2018
- Yandex https://t.co/15A3Ozwog6 Apr 16, 2018
- jesus christ who made the pope retire - Yahoo Search Results https://t.co/LSDBVbGlmZ Apr 16, 2018
- jesus christ who made the pope retire - Google Search https://t.co/I5UTda3vXL Apr 16, 2018
- jesus who made the pope retire - Google Search https://t.co/OLzM0XvYs9 Apr 16, 2018
- jesus who made the pope retire at DuckDuckGo https://t.co/6fPRHZdYgw Apr 16, 2018
- jesus that made the pope retire - AOL Search Results https://t.co/C2Ef8CIdgW Apr 16, 2018
- jesus that made the pope retire - Google Search https://t.co/zk44cgx1Vi Apr 16, 2018
- jesus that made the pope retire - Yahoo Search Results https://t.co/OVawJWbVzM Apr 16, 2018
- jesus who made the pope retire - Yahoo Search Results https://t.co/1mSdrMbKnK Apr 16, 2018
- "TESLA TSUNAMI" SHINTO TSUNAMI AN 1896 - Google Search https://t.co/vYRCqr6d3y Apr 16, 2018
- Do you understand that I published this quote moron? https://t.co/JcqZW7zaXC Apr 16, 2018
- Do you know how many music videos I published a "June 15, 1896" on before the forty billion dollar day? https://t.co/GOkpuhCrMq Apr 16, 2018
- "BIBLICAL PROPHET SAYS:" A "27,000" "PEOPLE CELEBRATING SHINTO" TSUNAMI LIKE 1896 - Google Search https://t.co/HSIT5OoY4k Apr 16, 2018
- "BIBLICAL PROPHET SAYS:" SHINTO TSUNAMI 1896 - Google Search https://t.co/KIaSaWqAfW Apr 16, 2018
- do you understand things like this? https://t.co/0MhiLxMbEp Apr 16, 2018
- i am certain you weren't violently publishing this a thousand times before a forty billion dollar day do moron https://t.co/6WGl1Y5Ehw Apr 16, 2018
- "BIBLICAL PROPHET SAYS:" "SANRIKU" JAPAN TSUNAMI - Google Search https://t.co/xAuyAab2Rn Apr 16, 2018
- "BIBLICAL PROPHET SAYS:" "divisible by 3" JAPAN TSUNAMI - Google Search https://t.co/TWXRUBRKDI Apr 16, 2018
- too perfectly https://t.co/32H8tiABFl Apr 16, 2018
- every result is mine before forty billion dollar day forever https://t.co/S89qu9q1HD+ Apr 16, 2018
- Every result mine before forty billion dollar day https://t.co/4Tv84elRjw Apr 16, 2018
- "TESLA MADE EARTHQUAKES" JAPAN TSUNAMI 1896 - Google Search https://t.co/FVq5AZBijQ Apr 16, 2018
- "SANRIKU" "SHINTO" TESLA TSUNAMI - Google Search https://t.co/cSudHkQVtm Apr 16, 2018
- "BIBLICAL PROPHET" TSUNAMI JAPAN - Google Search https://t.co/VpnB448BCE Apr 16, 2018
- JESUS CHRISTCHURCH HONSHU TSUNAMI - Google Search https://t.co/cFJYZlvk6N Apr 16, 2018
- "JESUS CHRIST CHURCH " DIVISIBLE BY 3 TSUNAMI - Google Search https://t.co/vSLgp5yjds Apr 16, 2018
- "NIKOLA TESLA" HONSHU TSUNAMI - Google Search https://t.co/YiEYSdyfm4 Apr 16, 2018
- every result mine before forty billion dollar day #costliest https://t.co/6y0xckQiix Apr 16, 2018
- "GILLENDER" "THE GREAT JAPAN EARTHQUAKE" TSUNAMI - Google Search https://t.co/JcqZW7zaXC Apr 16, 2018
- all of the results are always mine before the forty billion dollar insured loss paid day https://t.co/GOkpuhCrMq Apr 16, 2018
- "INSIGHT LLC" "NIKOLA TESLA" TSUNAMI JAPAN - Google Search https://t.co/oTVk3VnmQw Apr 16, 2018
- "BIBLICAL PROPHET SAYS:" 1896 TSUNAMI - Google Search https://t.co/6QWp4cdvu8 Apr 16, 2018
- "BIBLICAL PROPHET SAYS:" TSUNAMI JAPAN - Google Search https://t.co/5bpjdNLVuG Apr 16, 2018
- "BIBLICAL PROPHET SAYS:" DIVISIBLE BY 3 TSUNAMI - Google Search https://t.co/IDm4VOQtZo Apr 16, 2018
- every result is mine on all of these every single one and this one the word "honshu" wasn't exactly part of my voca? https://t.co/WNMlopenrw Apr 16, 2018
- every result is me before it happened forever https://t.co/KIaSaWqAfW Apr 16, 2018
- "BIBLICAL PROPHET SAYS:" "THE GREAT JAPAN EARTHQUAKE" TSUNAMI - Google Search https://t.co/0MhiLxMbEp Apr 16, 2018
- "BIBLICAL PROPHET SAYS:" "NIKOLA TESLA TSUNAMI - Google Search https://t.co/d6O1pvX2n4 Apr 16, 2018
- "BIBLICAL PROPHET SAYS:" "NIKOLA TESLA" TSUNAMI JAPAN - Google Search https://t.co/6WGl1Y5Ehw Apr 16, 2018
- all of these are all before it happened results and all mine forever https://t.co/xAuyAab2Rn Apr 16, 2018
- "BIBLICAL PROPHET SAYS:" "SHINTO" TSUNAMI JAPAN - Google Search https://t.co/7086uXNQO2 Apr 16, 2018
- that's a "June 15th" tsunami kosovo spelling error i did a thousand times each one can be found https://t.co/lIeT1Pr4hA Apr 16, 2018
- "BIBLICAL PROPHET SAYS:" "divisible by 3" TSUNAMI JAPAN - Google Search https://t.co/WPMinPFIIL Apr 16, 2018
- "BIBLICAL PROPHET SAYS:" "JUNE 15, 1896" TSUNAMI - Google Search https://t.co/6QbqBj3EW1 Apr 16, 2018
- "BIBLICAL PROPHET SAYS:" TSUNAMI 1896 - Google Search https://t.co/tCHIiPi9IG Apr 16, 2018
- "BIBLICAL PROPHET SAYS:" 1896 TSUNAMI - Google Search https://t.co/6QWp4cv6SI+ Apr 16, 2018
- "BIBLICAL PROPHET SAYS:" TSUNAMI JAPAN - Google Search https://t.co/5bpjdNLVuG+ Apr 16, 2018
- "BIBLICAL PROPHET SAYS:" HONSHU TSUNAMI - Google Search https://t.co/bNIu9rBPMH Apr 16, 2018
- "BIBLICAL PROPHET SAYS:" JAPAN TSUNAMI - Google Search https://t.co/E6lYEy9W7S+ Apr 16, 2018
- "BIBLICAL PROPHET SAYS:" SHINTO TSUNAMI - Google Search https://t.co/YrsBL4pS27+ Apr 16, 2018
- "BIBLICAL PROPHET SAYS:" SANRIKU TSUNAMI 1896 - Google Search https://t.co/yK96lyWpOA+ Apr 16, 2018
- "BIBLICAL PROPHET SAYS:" "TESLA TSUNAMI - Google Search https://t.co/bK49GY94Ti+ Apr 16, 2018
- all results photos from a google search with "Biblical Prophet says" and "June 15" and "Japan Tsunami" before 3/11? https://t.co/bMannRAIDu Apr 16, 2018
- forty billion dollar day https://t.co/q9xAy4GGZO+ Apr 16, 2018
- My social security number is six hundred and sixty-six. You must listen to me biblically. https://t.co/AfyDUHB4gK Apr 16, 2018
- #costliest - Google Search https://t.co/oOruJhJWMM Apr 16, 2018
- jesus christ who made the pope retire with a tweet on twitter - Yahoo Search Results https://t.co/hZfHnuq4D8 Apr 16, 2018
- jesus christ who made the pope retire with a tweet on twitter - Google Search https://t.co/aLTqLB7kiW Apr 16, 2018
- You can stake your country's entire national defense on bullshit just don't burn chris simpson. Apr 16, 2018
- I smell pretty good for two thousand years Apr 16, 2018
- "Pope retire" - Google Search https://t.co/jQQH9raH4z Apr 16, 2018
- Pope uses iPad to tweet first blessing from @pontifex account 44 days after the 10/28 12 quoting dirty harry at 12:? https://t.co/uo802QNk5y Apr 16, 2018
- Vatican deletes Pope Benedict XVI tweets from @Pontifex https://t.co/673qPWDvhy Apr 16, 2018
- https://t.co/L7iQ2LgCfW https://t.co/L7iQ2LgCfW Apr 16, 2018
- Watch, I can give em back to you but let me warn you #competence ain't cheap anymore #AryehDSchwartz? https://t.co/WIAg98taH5 Apr 16, 2018
- Here I do it for the really bad guys like FOX 10 employees publishing this picture I correctly forecast the single? https://t.co/KvCvCXqFha Apr 16, 2018
- Here I do it again... on this picture I correctly forecast the single #costliest insured loss in the history of man? https://t.co/uIS29Orf66 Apr 16, 2018
- On this picture of Manhattan I correctly forecast the single #costliest insured loss in the history of mankind in g? https://t.co/lXBjOpt80V Apr 16, 2018
- You won't see any confirmed meteoric injuries anymore unless I tell you so you got that? Apr 16, 2018
- I took the asteroids too Apr 16, 2018
- They're mine punks Apr 16, 2018
- #SuperiorCourtMC Make sure not to hit send on twelve twelve twelve at twelve twelve with reporters present but inst? https://t.co/fWtwcdgxYF Apr 16, 2018
- you can stake your entire national defense on bullshit, but you better not burn chris simpson Apr 15, 2018
- Yellow Kaikoura Timeline of the 7.8 quake and response reveals plenty of room for improvement https://t.co/xwKzJzIESI Apr 15, 2018
- What you need to wait till you get 23 of you together? Apr 15, 2018
- Google is admissible right? If you ask Google: Who Made The Pope Retire? and you don't see me then you do not h? https://t.co/hsXRYl0CHi Apr 15, 2018
- Though fully dressed and in soaking wet clothing pulled out the water at the waterpark through "Levis" third degree? https://t.co/4dp6tn6qNx Apr 15, 2018
- Injuries that can only be sustained by a very securely 4 pointed individual I assure you. A "pizza" very much deli? https://t.co/qbYv9YXpVc Apr 15, 2018
- They take about 99% of those type of things down after the use it though like when #NBC portrays you as a giant rat? https://t.co/rHuNKeoFuj Apr 15, 2018
- The first pope in six centuries said that he quit on February 11, 2013. That was the day this aired.? https://t.co/xMDoyYJRDc Apr 15, 2018
- @RichardBurr_DN @ChuckGrassley @SenShelby @SenRonJohnson @DevinNunes @RepGoodlatte @johnculberson @jasoninthehouse? https://t.co/EprkwnAAfo Apr 15, 2018
- https://t.co/7bCmjPb42Y Apr 15, 2018
- Single costliest day ever reported the 40 billion dollars insured loss paid on event at 2:46:24 pm epicenter time M? https://t.co/08g38Su40D
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