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Showing posts from March, 2018

44 Days after my tweet to the vatican quoting dirty harry the Pope replied to the tweet he would resign for on 10/28/12 at 12:12 @Pontifex first 12/12/12 at 10:28 then formal resignation of first pope in six centuries 2 plus 2 and 2 times 2 months later 2 months 2 weeks and 2 days after @pontifex reply

44 Days after my tweet to the vatican quoting dirty harry the Pope replied to the tweet he would resign for on 10/28/12 at 12:12 @Pontifex first 12/12/12 at 10:28 then formal resignation of first pope in six centuries 2 plus 2 and 2 times 2 months later 2 months 2 weeks and 2 days after @pontifex reply I call my two witnesses a couple world leaders with twelve billion dollars of earthquake bar tab between em fiscally resigning then for me specifically on 12 / 12. Two world leaders on the same day Jorge. PMs Renzi and John Key Italy and NZ that resigned for me on same day mario. It was formally twelve twelve George Washington changed his birthday to 2 / 22 exactly 222 years to my birth? (Google September 3, 1752 if you are #maricopacounty #superiorcourt #competence #commissioner #AryehDSchwartz ) -jesus chris DID PM RESIGN? I MADE POPE RETIRE TOO! To suck you Taylor Swift “THIS, TOO, WAS A CIRCUMSTANCE WHICH MADE MY RESIGNATION A ‘DUTY’ -Joseph A. Ratzinger 2 week not...

Did Washington changed his birthday to 2 22 exactly 222 years to day of ...

The Pope resigned for my text published ten twenty-eight twelve at twelve twelve with reply on twelve twelve twelve at ten twenty-eight then formal resignation of first pope in six centuries two plus two and two times two months later two months two weeks and two days after his reply I call my two witnesses prime ministers resigning over ten billion dollars earthquake damages between them in 2016 fiscally resigning for me specifically same day Jorge twelve twelve John Key and Renzi of NZ Italy  George Washington changed his birthday  to two twenty-two exactly two hundred and twenty-two years to my birth.         -jesus chris   “THIS, TOO, WAS A CIRCUMSTANCE WHICH MADE MY RESIGNATION A ‘DUTY’’ -Joe Ratzinger 2 week notice I made the Pope retire YouTube Galileo birthday bolide was the daytime shooting star w/ injuries caused by an approximately twenty meter asteroid that entered Earth...

DID GEORGE WASHINGTON CHANGE HIS BIRTHDAY TO 2 22 EXACTLY 222 YEARS TO THE DAY OF MY BIRTH? YES OR NO The resignation of Pope Benedict XVI occurred on 28 February 2013 At 20:00 (8:00 PM) CET (19:00 UTC) It’s midnight in Phoenix. I made Joseph Ratzinger resign w/ #Twitter. The resignation was first announced on the morning of 11 February 2013 by the Vatican, you know why? The day I aired on FOX. Benedict XVI’s decision to step down as leader of the Catholic Church made him the first pope to relinquish in six centuries, know why? Not steep Vatican 401k penalties? Quit the day I aired on FOX for better healthcare elsewhere? “Like a thief in the night” I take the duke am I right? #catburglarstool Thank you. Thank you very much. Move was unexpected, given popes in the modern era have held the position from election until death without exception but there was one tweet still demanding his resignation anyway 2 plus 2 months and 2 times 2 months too, to the formal resignation of the first pope in six centuries 2 months 2 weeks an...

ON JANUARY 17, 2011 AT 9:32 PM CHRISTOPHER MICHAEL SIMPSON PUBLISHED THE FOLLOWING QUOTE "Biblical Prophet Nikola Tesla caused the 1896 Tsunami on June 15th in Japan on the anniversary of the Battle of Kosavo. 27,000 people celebrating Shinto were killed on the beach that day. JANUARY 17, 2011 AT 9:32 PM

ON JANUARY 17, 2011 AT 9:32 PM CHRISTOPHER MICHAEL SIMPSON  PUBLISHED THE FOLLOWING QUOTE "Biblical Prophet Nikola Tesla caused the 1896 Tsunami on June 15th in Japan on the anniversary of the Battle of Kosavo. 27,000 people celebrating Shinto were killed on the beach that day.  JANUARY 17, 2011 AT 9:32 PM

Biblical Prophet Nikola Tesla caused the 1896 Tsunami on June 15th in Japan on the anniversary of the Battle of Kosavo. 27,000 people celebrating Shinto were killed on the beach that day. A day divisible by 3, in a month divisible by 3, in a year divisible by 3. Earthquake Machine No. 1 was half completed steel frame of The Gillender Building. JANUARY 17, 2011 AT 9:32 PM

Biblical Prophet Nikola Tesla caused the 1896 Tsunami on June 15th in Japan on the anniversary of the Battle of Kosavo. 27,000 people celebrating Shinto were killed on the beach that day. A day divisible by 3, in a month divisible by 3, in a year divisible by 3. Earthquake Machine No. 1 was half completed steel frame of The Gillender Building. JANUARY 17, 2011 AT 9:32 PM

Biblical Prophet Nikola Tesla caused the 1896 Tsunami on June 15th in Japan on the anniversary of the Battle of Kosavo. 27,000 people celebrating Shinto were killed on the beach that day. A day divisible by 3, in a month divisible by 3, in a year divisible by 3. Earthquake Machine No. 1 was half completed steel frame of The Gillender Building. JANUARY 17, 2011 AT 9:32 PM

Biblical Prophet Nikola Tesla caused the 1896 Tsunami on June 15th in Japan on the anniversary of the Battle of Kosavo. 27,000 people celebrating Shinto were killed on the beach that day. A day divisible by 3, in a month divisible by 3, in a year divisible by 3. Earthquake Machine No. 1 was half completed steel frame of The Gillender Building. JANUARY 17, 2011 AT 9:32 PM

Biblical Prophet You are destined for the lake of fire. You wont be laughing there. You have the mark of the beast for not having an ear. So saith the lord your god. Tesla made earthquakes. JANUARY 17, 2011 AT 9:37 PM

Biblical Prophet You are destined for the lake of fire. You wont be laughing there. You have the mark of the beast for not having an ear. So saith the lord your god. Tesla made earthquakes. JANUARY 17, 2011 AT 9:37 PM

PLEASE THiS iS AN EMERGENCY. iF YOU KNOW THE MARiCOPA COUNTY EMPLOYEES WORKiNG AT THE MAiN MARiCOPA COUNTY SUPERiOR COURT ON MAY 9TH 2017 THE COPS AT THE METAL DETECTORS AND THOSE COPS WHO WORK THE LOBBY AREA AS WELL AS THE WOMEN BEHiND THE DESKS AND OR ANYONE THE CROWD THAT DAY WHO WiTNESSED MY SPECTACLE THESE FiNE SECURiTY OFFiCERS ENDURED AND WiLL ATTEST TO ENDURiNG AND i HAVE NO DOUBT REMEMBER VERY WELL MY PERFORMANCE OF THE ONE LiNE, "IT IS ESSENTIAL YOU ASK GOOGLE WHO MADE THE POPE RETIRE!" SO REPEATEDLY PERFORMED BEFORE MY 1:30 with Commissioner Keelan S. Bodow in Courtroom 504 for a Family Court matter between Jennifer Jill Timmons and Christopher Michael Simpson where on the video record of May 9th, 2017 I got it off three times and after they say, "ALL RISE" i got it off those three times firing Comey to Commissioner Keelan S. Bodow firing Comey to you Keelan, "iT iS ESSENTiAL YOU ASK GOOGLE WHO MADE THE POPE RETiRE!" firing Comey to Assistant Attorney General for the State of Arizona Firing Comey honey "iT iS ESSENTiAL YOU ASK GOOGLE WHO MADE THE POPE RETiRE!" even to the clerk of the Maricopa County Superior Court that May 9th firing Comey "iT iS ESSENTiAL YOU ASK GOOGLE WHO MADE THE POPE RETiRE!" that day I took this video at 12:53 pm May 9th 2017 right before entering the Maricopa County Superior Court lobby and upon entering then and on many cameras shouted verbatim, "it is essential you ask google who made the pope retire!" at officer #1 initially silencing the entire lobby area and all video camera and audio record of May 9th, 2017 before my 1:30 pm. “'iT iS ESSENTiAL YOU ASK GOOGLE WHO MADE THE POPE RETiRE!" then at officer number #2 at these metal detector once everyone had quieted down from the first, "iT iS ESSENTiAL YOU ASK GOOGLE WHO MADE THE POPE RETiRE!" directed “IT IS ESSENTIAL YOU ASK GOOGLE WHO MADE THE POPE RETIRE” to lobby cop #3 called over "iT iS ESSENTiAL YOU ASK GOOGLE WHO MADE THE POPE RETiRE" as the response to lobby cop #4 that was called over "iT iS ESSENTiAL YOU ASK GOOGLE WHO MADE THE POPE RETiRE" then to the ladies behind the counter "iT iS ESSENTiAL YOU ASK GOOGLE WHO MADE THE POPE RETiRE" all before having the opportunity upstairs outside the courtroom with the many individuals all of which had personally asked Google: Who made the pope retire? because they all each had become very well acquainted me during our Maricopa County Sheriff's Office custody together where we were being held at Tent City when not out at work release before I walked in 1 pm May 9th 2017 Maricopa County Superior Court Lobby so just #Google this May 9th competence quote... "iT iS ESSENTiAL WE FiND NEW LEADERSHiP FOR THE F.B.i."

PLEASE THiS iS AN EMERGENCY. iF YOU KNOW THE MARiCOPA COUNTY EMPLOYEES WORKiNG AT THE MAiN MARiCOPA COUNTY SUPERiOR COURT ON MAY 9TH 2017 THE COPS AT THE METAL DETECTORS AND THOSE COPS WHO WORK THE LOBBY AREA AS WELL AS THE WOMEN BEHiND THE DESKS AND OR ANYONE THE CROWD THAT DAY WHO WiTNESSED MY SPECTACLE THESE FiNE SECURiTY OFFiCERS ENDURED AND WiLL ATTEST TO ENDURiNG AND i HAVE NO DOUBT REMEMBER VERY WELL MY PERFORMANCE OF THE ONE LiNE, "IT IS ESSENTIAL YOU ASK GOOGLE WHO MADE THE POPE RETIRE!" SO REPEATEDLY PERFORMED BEFORE MY 1:30 with Commissioner Keelan S. Bodow in Courtroom 504 for a Family Court matter between Jennifer Jill Timmons and Christopher Michael Simpson where on the video record of May 9th, 2017 I got it off three times and after they say, "ALL RISE" i got it off those three times firing Comey to Commissioner Keelan S. Bodow firing Comey to you Keelan, "iT iS ESSENTiAL YOU ASK GOOGLE WHO MADE THE POPE RETiRE!" firing Comey to Assistan...

The Pope resigned for a tweet I published on ten twenty-eight twelve at twelve twelve confirmed with his first on twelve twelve twelve at ten twenty-eight and formal resignation of first pope in six centuries two plus two and two times two months after two months two weeks and two days after his reply I call my two witnesses world leaders with billions and billions of earthquake damages fiscally resigning for me specifically twelve twelve Jorge two world leaders same day PMs John Key and Renzi New Zealand Italy resigned for me same day on twelve twelve Did George Washington change his birthday to two twenty-two exactly two hundred and twenty-two years to my birth? -jesus chris DID PM RESIGN? I MADE POPE RETIRE TOO “THIS, TOO, WAS A CIRCUMSTANCE WHICH MADE MY RESIGNATION A ‘DUTY’’ -Joseph A. Ratzinger 2 week notice I made the Pope retire Galileo birthday bolide was a daytime shooting star w/ injuries YouTube caused by an approximately twenty meter asteroid entering Earth's atmosphere over Russia on 15 February 2013 exactly the 2 plus 2 and the 2 times 2 anniversary too that I had registered at the registrar Godaddy on 15 February 2009 a domain that now expires a decade to the day after the reportedly reported report heard report twice 'round the globe.

The Pope resigned for a tweet I published on ten twenty-eight twelve at twelve twelve confirmed with his first on twelve twelve twelve at ten twenty-eight and formal resignation of first pope in six centuries two plus two and two times two months after two months two weeks and two days after his reply I call my two witnesses world leaders with billions and billions of  earthquake damages fiscally resigning for me specifically  twelve twelve Jorge two world leaders same day PMs John Key and Renzi New Zealand Italy resigned for me same day on twelve twelve Did George Washington change his birthday to two twenty-two exactly two hundred and twenty-two years to my birth? -jesus chris DID PM RESIGN? I MADE POPE RETIRE TOO  “THIS, TOO, WAS A CIRCUMSTANCE WHICH MADE MY RESIGNATION A ‘DUTY’’ -Joseph A. Ratzinger 2 week notice I made the Pope retire Galileo birthday bolide was a daytime shooting star w/ injuries YouTube caused by an approximately twen...

Jesus Christchurch